Mass training for ectomorphs.

People with an ectomorph body type naturally have narrow shoulders, thin waists and hips, as well as thin bones and tall stature. They rarely have problems with excess weight and subcutaneous fat, but it is much more difficult for them to gain muscle mass than the other two types - mesomorph and endomorph. However, with regular exercise, their body can look very impressive.

General training rules.

Effective mass training for an ectomorph requires adherence to some key rules. There are not so many of them, here are the main ones:

  1. Restriction or complete elimination of cardio and aerobic exercise is required. Allocate more energy to core strength exercises.
  2. Your workout during the week should use different muscle groups.
  3. An ectomorph needs an increased intake of complex carbohydrates.
  4. It is not advisable for the duration of a lesson in the hall to exceed one hour. You need a high intensity workout.

An approximate set of exercises for representatives of this body type.

Let's look at some basic exercises for training to increase the mass of all muscle groups, list the number of approaches and the number of repetitions. You can safely adopt the proposed scheme in its pure form, or slightly adapt it to suit yourself...

Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, chin pointing upward, back straight. Barbell on shoulders, slowly squat.

Reps: 6-8.

Approaches: 5.


  1. buttock muscles;
  2. most thigh muscles.

Sumo squats.

The legs are wide apart, the back is straight, the toes are pointing in the opposite direction from each other. We take the dumbbell with both hands, you need to hold it in front of you (slightly below groin level) and slowly squat with it as low as possible.

Reps: 8-10.

Sets: 4-5.


  1. thigh muscles (quadriceps);
  2. buttock muscles;
  3. calf muscles.

The arms are in a lowered position, holding a dumbbell in both. We put one leg forward (the length is approximately equal to the step), the second leg is bent, standing on the toe.

Reps: 8.

Sets: 3.


  1. buttock muscles;
  2. thigh muscles (quadriceps).

Place the barbell on your shoulders with your knees slightly bent. We stand on a slight elevation (you can place a wooden block), lift on your toes, stretch your chin up, you need to feel the heaviness with your calf musclesmassesshell, we go down.

Reps: 7-9.

Sets: 5.

forms the calf muscles.

Dumbbells are in both hands, the back is straight, arms are lowered. Our arms are slightly bent, we raise them at the same time, overcoming massprojectile.

Reps: 10.

Sets: 3.

Trains the delta muscles.

We grab the bar, the back should be slightly arched when doing pull-ups, the chin is pulled up, we pull ourselves up.

The number of repetitions and series depends on the physical capabilities of the individual.ectomorph.

Exercise affects:

  1. biceps muscles;
  2. back muscles.

The arms are lowered down, the inner part of the elbow is looking forward, we bend the arms simultaneously, alternately or alternately on each arm.

Reps: 10-15.

Sets: 1-2.

Forms the biceps muscles.

Is the most important exercise forectomorph who came toworld bodybuilding and fitness. We lie down on a strictly horizontal surface, take the barbell from the rack, lower it to the chest, and lift it in front of us.

Iterations: 6-10.

Approaches: 2-4.


  1. chest muscles;
  2. deltas;
  3. triceps.

Recovery and nuances of nutrition.

In the work of an ectomorph on mass, the recovery process is extremely important. Immediately after physical activity, you need to do a good cool-down to normalize the blood supply to the target muscles. It is recommended to drink water no earlier than 20 minutes after training, otherwise you risk getting additional stress on the heart. Sound sleep and a voracious appetite are the best indicators of quality physical work. Be sure to supplement your diet with sports nutrition products such as proteins, creatines and gainers - they will help you quickly gain the much-needed muscle volume and gain strength.