Training for mesomorph.

Of the three common body types, mesomorph is the standard for bodybuilding. This is due, first of all, to the fact that such people gain muscle mass with great ease, the level of subcutaneous fat is minimal, and the main components of their body are already muscular from the very beginning. Along with the rapid gain of muscle mass and an increase in strength indicators, a big plus is that they have well-developed ligaments, joints and bones, which is also important for security forces.

Training for mesomorph.

Training for a mesomorph should include a lot of fast movements with a predominance of a large number of approaches. At the same time, the weights for such activities should also be large.

Speaking about the nature of the training, it should be said that it is preferable to constantly change the number of repetitions, working weights, exercises and the style of their implementation. The order, as well as the intensity of physical exercise, should also change.

Such a dynamic training style has a very good effect on efficiency and results. Serious athletes should train 5 days a week, but this, of course, is not for beginners; yellow-throats certainly shouldn’t train more than 3 times a week. The rest between approaches should not be too long, but you should allow the muscles to relax a little, that is, about 1-1.5 minutes. An excellent example of a cycle would be doing four weeks of high-intensity training followed by about two weeks of light training, which will increase and stimulate strength gains along with volume growth, and most importantly, this way you will avoid stagnation and overtraining.

Training for mesomorph.

If you have chosen a course for building a figure and growing muscles, then you need to reduce the number of aerobic exercises to three per week, because long-distance running may well bring an unexpected, opposite result. Therefore, it is best to spend more than 25 minutes running, warming up and gradual cooling are already taken into account here.

At the drying stage, aerobic training, on the contrary, needs to be increased by two, or even three times, compared to weight training. By removing all excess subcutaneous fat, aerobics will give the muscles increased relief and definition. Typically, athletes of this body type do not have any particular problems with either mass training or the cutting phase, the main thing is to do everything in moderation and according to your strategic plan...

People with this body type, aware of its enormous potential and impressive theoretical abilities, often begin very high-intensity exercise without proper rest, which risks overtraining, so you can fall into the trap of stagnation and then lose enthusiasm for the sport. So don’t forget to get quality rest and fully recover.

Nutrition with a predominance of proteins, as well as the training itself for a mesomorph, must be a single whole, and then very great success is possible, which is what we wholeheartedly wish you to achieve in the difficult task of building your own ideal body!