Workout during your period - should you skip it or should you still go?

In the modern world, many of us women want to look flawless, perfect, irresistible, always fit, athletic and sexy. And for this we decide to seriously take care of our body through fitness and, accordingly, regular visits to the gym. For this good purpose, sports medicine experts, as well as developers of sports equipment, modify many exercises, create special exercise equipment, and improve training programs taking into account female characteristics. And one of these features is the menstrual cycle, which accompanies us since adolescence...

Since the time of our grandmothers and mothers, it was believed that playing sports during this period could lead to serious consequences. Girls skipped physical training, and at some enterprises women were even given a 3-day vacation! But time passes, the problem is studied by physiologists, doctors, sports trainers, pharmacologists, and new, completely different views on this topic appear...

So, the main question of this article: do women need to exercise during their period? Or is it better to refrain from exercise these days? Let's sort this dilemma out once and for all!

First, I would like to dwell on this important fact: “Menstruations are not a disease, but a natural physical state of any healthy woman.” On such days, the egg is detached inside the body and leaves the body along with mucus and blood. In most cases, this process can be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, stretching of the legs or back, general malaise, increased body temperature, and a decrease in hormones. All this affects the strength and endurance of the female body.

And to the question: “Is it possible to go to training during menstruation?” We confidently answer “Yes!” But taking into account some points...

Firstly, each of us is an individual organism that has its own course of physiological processes. For some, everything goes quickly and painlessly in 3 days, while for others it’s hard to get up from the couch for 5-7 days. Therefore, the answer to this question in any case should be based on the general condition and well-being.

If your health is normal, then it’s time to pack your sports bag and put on your uniform for the fitness club or gym!

The main points of training during menstruation:

  1. If you have painful periods, it is better to avoid strength training, abdominal exercises, squats and deadlifts. Otherwise, exercise may cause increased bleeding;
  2. You should pay attention to aerobic exercises: running, skipping rope, jumping. This allows you to increase the outflow of blood and avoid its accumulation;
  3. You can reduce the intensity of the workout, reduce the speed and number of approaches (do 2 instead of 3);
  4. Give special attention to stretching, relaxation and rest after class.

If, nevertheless, you are 100% confident in your abilities and decide to conduct a full-fledged strength training, in this case it is worth reducing the weights and easing the load.

These days, it is recommended to actively engage in the upper body: bench press with dumbbells, lateral raises, push-ups, crossover crossovers. Abdominal exercises (upper or middle) are allowed with caution.

In general, the most useful physical activities can be yoga, stretching, breathing practices, and a long walk.

In conclusion, I would like to add that during menstruation it is advisable to avoid caffeine, which increases menstrual pain. It wouldn't hurt to set aside time for a massage. It is worth limiting your salt intake, because... Because of hormones, water is already retained in the body, and salt will accumulate it even more. Playing sports if you have female diseases is prohibited.

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