Bent-over dumbbell row

Another type of exercise from the category of “bent-over rows”. The one-arm dumbbell, kettlebell, or block row is an exercise that all bodybuilding superstars must include in their workouts.

The technique for performing the dumbbell row exercise is as follows:

  1. Lean forward and grab the dumbbell in your right hand.
  2. In this case, you need to rest your left hand on your knee or thigh.
  3. We put our right leg back and our left leg forward.
  4. The distance between the legs is 70-80 cm.
  5. The trajectory of movement of the hand with the load should be strictly vertical, and end at the top point on the lower section of the chest.
  6. Exhale as you lift and inhale as you lower the weight.
  7. At the highest point of the movement, hold the dumbbell for a couple of seconds and slowly, feeling all the tension in the muscle, lower it down.
  8. Without pausing at the bottom point, immediately begin a new cyclic repetition.
  9. At the same time, during the entire movement, your body should not change its position.
  10. Avoid all jerking, squatting, swinging and other elements of cheating. Do it smoothly and cleanly.
  11. The stance and starting position for bent over rows with the left hand are absolutely similar and mirror opposite to the instructions described above.

Try upgrading the one-arm bent-over row. To do this, place your left thigh on a horizontal bench. This change makes it possible to concentrate as much as possible on performing deadlifts. Also, as an option, you can use a block device instead of a dumbbell.

Continue reading this section and we will tell you which dumbbell back exercises are most effective. Become stronger and more muscular, which is what we, from our entire authoritative editorial staff, wish for you... Don’t switch...

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