Weightlifting exercise stretching, and all its variations.

The stretching exercise came to fitness and bodybuilding from the “world of weightlifting.” It is in this sporting discipline that it is most actively used. In order to lift an impressive weight, the athlete suddenly sits down in a step-up position, and then all that remains is to first hold the barbell with outstretched arms, and then get up from the squat... This technique allows you to overcome heavy weights that are actually inaccessible to other options for regular lifting.

The starting position or Spreading Stance is nothing more than a shallow variation of the lunge. A stationary position of the athlete, in which one leg is placed in front and the other in back.

What is a stretch exercise? – take the above starting position. As an option: left leg forward, right leg back. Perform smooth half-squats and rocking back and forth in the position you hold. Then change your stance: now your right leg is forward, and your left leg is back. Repeat all the above steps.

You can perform the proposed step-up exercise with a barbell on your shoulders or chest, as well as with dumbbells, a kettlebell, a disc, in a weighted suit or with weighted bracelets, and other elements of an athlete’s equipment that complicate the work you are doing.

The fitness arsenal also contains such an interesting variation of this exercise as the jumping step: this is when you constantly change the left lunge to the right one using cyclic spring jumps. Here, as in the classic version, the entire range of weighting agents that we described earlier is acceptable and recommended for use.

Apart from weightlifting, a confident, solid stance is very important in various other sports disciplines, such as:

  1. fencing,
  2. boxing,
  3. struggle,
  4. other types of martial arts,
  5. ski jumping,
  6. skateboarding, surfing, etc., etc....

The exercise perfectly improves coordination and mainly affects:

  1. buttock muscles.
  2. thigh area: frontal, posterior and lateral areas.
  3. calf muscles, especially in the jumping version.
  1. Press,
  2. Back.

So, our dear readers, if you want to have a cute butt, regularly perform these simple actions - they are simple and easily accessible to perform, both in the gym or fitness center, and for independent home implementation. Work on yourself, and then in the summer on the beach you will be irresistible, which is what we wish for you!

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