Exercises for pregnant women in the third trimester.

Physical activity and sports during pregnancy are extremely necessary for a young mother. This not only keeps the body in good shape and strengthens the immune system, but allows you to stabilize the functioning of all internal organs and even facilitate the birth process.

The third trimester of pregnancy is not easy. The fetus is already large and active and it becomes more and more difficult for its mother to move. But even in such moments, you shouldn’t let yourself go and lead an immobilized lifestyle. Both baby and mother will benefit from a little physical activity.

Changes in the body.

  1. In the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman's muscles weaken and the tendons in the groin area soften.
  2. With increased exertion, shortness of breath appears. The reason for this is a decrease in lung capacity by a fifth.
  3. The heart cannot be stressed. It often becomes weakened, and pain and burning may appear in its area. Possible tachycardia.

What should a expectant mother not do?

Exercises for pregnant women in the third trimester should be gentle. Cardio exercise, aerobics and active fitness are strictly prohibited. The pulse of the expectant mother should not rise above the indicator: 120 beats per minute. Stretching the legs and perineum is not recommended, or choose a very gentle one.

Exercises in positions lying on your back or stomach should also be avoided. For this stage, train on seated machines, a stability ball, or a chair.

If during class you feel pain in the lower abdomen or dizziness, you need to stop training. If there is bleeding, consult a doctor immediately.

When training for pregnant women in the third trimester, the following exercises are recommended:

  1. Fitball exercises will be the most useful during this period. Sitting on the ball reduces the load on your back, which allows you to do strength training. On a fitball you are allowed to work with light dumbbells weighing no more than 2 kg.
  2. Yoga for beginners can give you the practice of proper breathing. Perform pulse breathing 50 times. Due to the contraction of the diaphragm with the rapid retraction of the abdomen, exhalation and automatic inhalation occur. Then work on inhaling through your nose, inflating your belly and then expanding your diaphragm. When you exhale, first the diaphragm relaxes, and then the stomach. Perform 10 such slow inhalations and the same number of exhalations.
  3. Hiking in the fresh air is a great workout option for an expectant mother.
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