Exercises for pregnant women in the second trimester.

Pregnancy should not and cannot be a reason for giving up an active lifestyle. Sports for pregnant women are very useful. The simplest exercises will improve the functioning of the heart, respiratory system and nervous system. Moderate exercise helps improve the tone of the uterus, which will make childbirth less painful and pregnancy one of the best periods of life.

  1. Contraindications to sports for expectant mothers.
  2. Breathing exercise.
  3. Yoga asanas.
  4. Virasana - hero pose.
  5. Konasana.
  6. Kegel exercises.
  7. Summary.

Contraindications to sports for expectant mothers.

If you have such problems with your body while carrying a child, it is strictly forbidden to train:

  1. polyhydramnios,
  2. bleeding from the uterus,
  3. placenta previa,
  4. chronic problems with:
    1. a) liver
    2. b) kidneys,
    3. c) cardiovascular system,
  5. inflammatory processes,
  6. anemia,
  7. multiple pregnancy.

It is safest to perform exercises for pregnant women in the second trimester. As you know, at this stage there is no toxicosis that bothers young mothers, there is no feeling of discomfort in the uterus and abdomen.

Breathing exercise.

Sitting on a fitball or chair, lower your feet to the floor shoulder-width apart. At the same time, you need to keep your back straight. Bend your fingers into a lock and place your palms on your chest. Take a deep breath, feel the expansion of your chest, and then exhale long. Practice breathing at least 10-15 times.

Breathing exercises are necessary for expectant mothers. And not only in the second trimester, but throughout the entire period of gestation. Remember: proper breathing during childbirth will reduce pain.

Yoga asanas.

Yoga classes are very important during pregnancy. It is necessary to select positions that will not harm the baby and the expectant mother.

Virasana - hero pose.

With your knees bent, place them on the mat and squat down on it so that your pelvis is on the floor and your calves are on either side of it. Straighten your back and place your palms on your knees. Continue correct breathing: a long inhale and, as yoga teaches, an even longer exhale.


Sitting on the mat, spread your legs as far as possible. We move our hands back, behind our backs, resting our palms on the floor. The back should remain straight while performing the asana. Then push off the mat with your hands and lift your body, while feeling how your chest opens. Stay in the tense position for 15-20 seconds. Then lower your pelvis to the floor and lean forward, grabbing your toes with your hands. If possible, lower your torso even lower so that your stomach touches the floor.

This asana opens the groin area, relieving tension and is useful for genitourinary problems.

Kegel exercises.

Another great option to prepare your body for the upcoming birth is Arnold Kegel exercises. A set of simple exercises that can be performed anywhere and virtually at any time convenient for you has long proven its effectiveness and has even been scientifically confirmed. Nowadays, this advanced technique is constantly being improved, and has already resulted in a separate area of ​​training - Vumbuilding. What is stopping you from trying the well-proven technique of the famous American gynecologist? Read more about Kegel gymnastics in this section of ours, which is entirely dedicated to Wumbuilding.


Training when carrying a child in the second trimester should not overload the body: it is best to do yoga, dancing, Kegel exercises, and light forms of fitness during this period. Strength training, cardio and aerobics are best left for later. Take care of yourself and your future baby! And always be healthy!

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