Exercises for deltoid muscles

This page of our website contains all the exercises for the deltoid muscles. A detailed description of step-by-step actions is provided with diagrams, photographs, pictures and video examples.

  1. Seated press
  2. Standing press
  3. How to perform a standing press?
  4. Vertical dumbbell swings to the sides
  5. How to properly perform dumbbell swings to the sides?
  6. We do voluminous, impressive deltoids - military press.
  7. Vertical dumbbell swings in front of you
  8. How to properly perform vertical dumbbell swings in front of you?
  9. Let's study the exercise: standing weightlifting press.
  10. Bent over dumbbell swings
  11. How to properly perform bent over dumbbell swings?
  12. Standing barbell row to the chin
  13. How to properly perform barbell rows while standing?
  14. Blocks against dumbbells or pumping up the rear delta without synthol!

Seated press

The seated press is a basic bodybuilding exercise aimed primarily at working the deltoid muscles. However, when performing, the following are also involved: triceps, long muscles, and trapezius muscles of the back... Possible execution options:

  1. Barbell from the chest,
  2. Barbell from behind the head,
  3. Dumbbells at the same time
  4. Dumbbells alternately.

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Standing press

Standing press - is a basic exercise and is focused on the development of the anterior and middle head of the deltoid muscle. An alternative to this exercise is the seated press, as well as the Smith machine. The latter option provides a more severe and concentrated effect on the deltas.

How to perform a standing press?

  1. Don't forget about safety. A weightlifting belt, hard-soled shoes, chalk, and chalk are essential accessories for this exercise.

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Vertical dumbbell swings to the sides

This is an isolated exercise aimed at the middle heads of the deltoid muscles. A very concentrated effect that practically excludes any other muscles from working. We purposefully influence only the deltas.

How to properly perform dumbbell swings to the sides?

  1. The exercise can be performed from a standing or sitting position.

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We do voluminous, impressive deltoids - military press.

Many fitness enthusiasts, wanting to develop impressive shoulder muscles, include a lot of exercises in their training program and work in a large number of sets and repetitions. This method gives good results, but it will be even more beneficial if you prefer one basic key and primary exercise for the shoulders, namely the military press.

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Vertical dumbbell swings in front of you

Exercise has a strong insulating impact on anterior deltoid muscle.

How to properly perform vertical dumbbell swings in front of you?

  1. Variants of the exercise are possible: both in a standing position and sitting.
  2. Dumbbells, weights, barbell discs, rubber, spring, and block devices are used as equipment.

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    Let's study the exercise: standing weightlifting press.

    The weightlifting standing press we are considering in this review is a specially auxiliary exercise that helps develop the strength of the muscles involved in pushing the barbell from the chest.

    The starting position for the press and grip width are the same as for the push. The most convenient grip on the barbell is simple.

    The barbell is usually lifted to the chest in a half-squat without spreading the legs, which is performed after the final phase of the pull - the so-called lift. At the same time, the barbell can also be lifted onto the chest using the “scissors” or “spread” method with a shallow squat.

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    Bent over dumbbell swings

    The exercise has an isolated effect on the posterior bundle of the Deltoid muscles. It is with the help of it that bodybuilders bring the rear to perfection. An extremely effective exercise, despite the fact that it is not the easiest to perform.

    How to properly perform bent over dumbbell swings?

      1. The exercise should be performed standing in an inclined position, sitting in an inclined position, or lying with your chest on a horizontal or inclined bench.

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    Standing barbell row to the chin

    Exercise Standing barbell row to the chin is one of the main basic exercises in building massive, pumped deltas. Despite the fact that the main emphasis in the load is on deltoids (in particular on their front and middle heads), the back, legs, biceps, neck and some other groups are also involved in the work.

    How to properly perform barbell rows while standing?

    1. The exercise is basic, performed standing - which means we will need weightlifting shoes, a waist belt and other safety accessories.
    2. Don't forget about warming up. When performing cold chin pulls, you can easily tear or pull the lower back muscles.

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    Blocks against dumbbells or pumping up the rear delta without synthol!

    Hi all! So our current topic: Blocks versus dumbbells or pumping up the rear delta without synthol! But first, let's look at the anatomy... The rear delta is a rather conventional concept. As you know, the shoulder muscles are divided into the deltoid muscles (in fact, we call them shoulders) and the trapezius muscle (some textbooks classify it as a back muscle). So, the delta is conventionally divided into three beams: middle, back and front. We know all this and would immediately like to note that according to the results of electroneuromyographic studies, at least seven to eight groups of fibers can be seen in it, which function independently of each other.

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