Meet Joe Weider and his body building system.

Every bodybuilding athlete knows this first and last name. Yes, even before the legendary Joe Weider, people were engaged in building the body, but only he was able to collect all the knowledge that existed at that time, combine it, and present to the world community his own training system, worked out from “A” to “Z”:

  1. In fact, all modern bodybuilding as we know it is thanks to him.
  2. All competitions that are held these days are based on it.
  3. Oliva, Schwarzenegger, Zane, Haney are his direct students.

Of course, it would be wrong to assume that if Vader had not existed, then bodybuilding would not have existed. But the fact that he managed to give the development of this sport a colossal impetus is beyond any doubt!

The training system, which was developed by the Vader brothers, for all its simplicity, is a complete training course that has proven its effectiveness. It’s not for nothing that he became so popular. The sports equipment manufacturer Icon at one time began producing exercise equipment based on Joe's principles.

  1. Joe Weider's Body Building Program.
  2. For beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.
  3. For intermediate and advanced levels.
  4. For experienced bodybuilders

Joe Weider's Body Building Program.

The philosophy of this movement is very simple: the athlete must know that everything he needs is present in this system. He shouldn't doubt it. He just has to train for it. Joe Weider and his bodybuilding system will allow you to build every muscle in an efficient and targeted manner. Your body will become strong, your muscles will increase in size and become elastic. From an aesthetic point of view, you will become very attractive. This is from the foreword that Joe himself wrote for his book.

Vader's concept is based on several principles.
The intensity of training should increase.

The results are especially noticeable in the first couple of weeks after starting training. Gradually, the athlete’s body gets used to the loads, and the achievements are not so visible. To prevent this from happening, classes must be intense. Begin increasing intensity by increasing the frequency of training. If you trained twice a week, you should now train three times. After the body gets used to it, you should increase the number of repetitions for each muscle group.

Physical activity should be constant.

You will be able to achieve your goals much faster if the training process is regular. Exercises should be such that the muscles stretch and tire. And as a reward for your work, you will receive the desired centimeters and muscle mass.

A few simple steps leading you to success, from the “Maestro” himself.

First, let's understand the terms:

  1. repetition is a single execution of a cyclic movement;
  2. approach – several successive repetitions of one exercise;
  3. rest - a pause of a certain length between approaches. The average pause duration is 1 minute. During the pause, you should walk around, slowly inhaling and exhaling.

It should be noted that Vader divided his rules according to the level of training of bodybuilders. After all, what is useful for beginners is not at all necessary for experienced athletes.

And here are the rules themselves...

For beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.

  1. System of approaches: for each exercise you should perform several approaches. To work all muscle fibers, one approach is not enough.
  2. The pyramid principle. The muscles should be loaded gradually. To get them warmed up and ready for more weight. The first approaches should be performed with light weight. Gradually, the number of repetitions in the approach is reduced, and the weight of the projectile increases.
  3. You should start training with those muscle groups that are lagging behind in their development. Those muscle groups that begin training receive more concentration and energy.

For intermediate and advanced levels.

  1. Approaches should be combined. For the same muscle group, you should alternate exercises. If different exercises are used, the muscles are worked out more efficiently, and less time is required for rest between exercises.
  2. Approaches should be alternated. Exercises for large muscle groups and for small groups should be mixed. Then all muscles are equally involved in the process and are restored equally.
  3. Use super approaches. You should practice working on different muscle groups, taking a short break between approaches. The intensity of the exercises should be high. As a result, while you are working on one muscle group, the second group is resting.

  1. Zero stage. The main muscle group should be worked in isolation. The range of movements is maximum.
  2. Triple approaches. To work out one specific muscle group, you should perform 3 approaches in a row. Rest between sets is minimal. When using this technique, the muscle is completely involved in the work. However, if you are currently working on building muscle mass, then you should not do triple sets.
  3. Big approaches. For the same muscle group you should do 4-6 exercises. The breaks between exercises are minimal. This technique should be used occasionally, while working on the relief. Due to extended and intense movements, many calories are burned, and muscle tissue becomes dense.
  4. Isolated intense training. When performing such an exercise, your body’s reaction to all the changes that occur to it is very clearly visible. And it will be easy for you to choose a more suitable training technique.
Stretching and its importance.

Every workout begins and ends with stretching. Stretching increases blood circulation and reduces the risk of injury. You should stretch the muscles until pain appears in them. Then the stretching should be stopped.

Of course, the information we presented in this article only opens the door to the “world of iron sports” from Joe Weider. A detailed description of his entire system will more than put the three-volume book “War and Peace” to shame. For this is a monumental creation that forms the basis of all modern bodybuilding and fitness.

On the pages of our website we will repeatedly refer to Joe’s concept and his school, but now we invite you to become more closely acquainted with the basic principles of athleticism, on the basis of which all of Weider’s teachings are built - read about it in this section of our website. We still have a lot of interesting things! Don't switch!

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