6 myths about healthy eating

Chocolate is bad for your health
In fact, dark chocolate, containing a large amount of cocoa, is good for the heart and blood vessels. Eating a small amount of dark chocolate per day is even recommended.

Sugar always makes you fat
There is no direct connection between sugar consumption and obesity. Weight gain occurs due to excess consumption of calories, not sugar itself.

Salt is harmful
Moderate salt intake is important for metabolism. You only need to limit salt if you have very high blood pressure. The recommended daily allowance is about 5 g.

Sugar substitutes help you lose weight
No, sugar substitutes do not help you lose weight. They can, on the contrary, increase appetite.

Canned food is not very healthy food
This is not entirely true for canned fish, which contain bone-healthy calcium.

Genetically modified foods will make you sick
There is not yet sufficient evidence that such products are harmful. The risk of infection from them is lower than from products contaminated with salmonella.