Beautiful figure forever

You have just completed a diet that has brought you the long-awaited result - a beautiful figure. What's next? The most important thing is ahead, because maintaining what has been achieved is more difficult than achieving a goal. Does this mean that cakes, chocolate and other goodies are now banned for you forever, or is it enough to accept new nutritional principles and this will help not only manage your weight, but also sometimes allow some liberties? Use these little tricks to keep your beautiful figure forever!

After finishing the diet, you need to gradually introduce all foods into your diet. But in order to avoid weight gain, you need to do this in stages, gradually increasing your daily caloric intake. Start by adding any fruit to your morning menu for a few days. Then increase the amount of starchy foods at lunch and, a few days later, add dairy products (including cheese) to your diet. Over time, you will be able to indulge in a few pieces of dark chocolate during your afternoon snack. So, step by step, you will learn to build a balanced diet plan and stick to it almost always.

Here is one variant of such a scheme:

Tea or unsweetened coffee
1 dairy product and/or whole grain cereal
2-3 slices of bread
10 g low-calorie butter
1 fruit

Raw vegetables
150 g lean meat or 200 g fish
boiled potatoes or lean soup or 1 dairy product (yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, 30 g cheese)
1 fruit

Afternoon snack
Drinking yogurt
1 fruit or vegetable juice
A piece of dark chocolate, with 70% cocoa content (optional)

Raw vegetables
100 g lean meat or 150 g fish
Boiled brown rice
1 fruit

To maintain a beautiful figure for the long term, we need to develop several new habits:

  1. First of all, you should not buy food on an empty stomach.

  2. You shouldn't do this in big supermarkets either, where most of us fill our trolleys to the top. Instead, it is better to go to the market, where we always buy fewer products.

  3. Try to eat with your family, loved one or friends.

  4. Besides having a great time, you won't see food as your only pleasure.

  5. While eating, you should not be distracted by anything else, especially by watching TV.

  6. Place food on small plates as this makes it seem like you've eaten more.

  7. Always have low-calorie foods that you enjoy in your refrigerator. In case of sudden hunger, they will help you not to eat extra calories. 0% fat cottage cheese or low-fat sweet curd masses, lean ham, chicken meat, etc. are perfect for these purposes.

The desire to maintain a beautiful figure does not mean that you should refuse the company of friends, not invite them to visit you, or not go out on your own. You should also not refuse to go to a restaurant. Make just a few adjustments when choosing dishes or preparing dishes for guests and the problem of maintaining your figure will not affect your vital activity.

If you are a housewife who is preparing for the arrival of guests, then try to create a menu in such a way that you can always choose something tasty and not a threat to your waistline. Among the light snacks, you can choose tartlets with curd sauce and vegetables; among drinks, it is better to give preference to dry champagne and tomato juice. Salads, especially those made from seafood or fresh vegetables, are suitable for your main courses; poultry or fish dishes combined with fresh vegetables or a small amount of potatoes, and fruit desserts.

When you are visiting, it is more difficult for you to refuse certain dishes because of their fat content or sweetness. It is better to eat everything, but in very small portions and avoid eating bread and fatty sauces. And in order to lull the vigilance of “well-wishers,” you can always say that you eat like this