Fourth Week of Classes Monday

In the first three weeks you have achieved significant results, but this does not mean that you should stop there. Moreover, the full set of exercises is not completed. We often hear conversations from our patients: “why continue to study if we have achieved what we wanted.” I can assure you that this is a mistaken opinion. Your muscles have just begun to strengthen and when you stop exercising they will quickly return to their original state. Moreover, your thoughts indicate that exercise does not bring joy, which means you need to reconsider your attitude towards exercise.

Some women complain of poor sleep and headaches and ask whether this condition may be related to exercise. Maybe, but only if you are very overtired in class. Then you need to reduce the load. Spend half the prescribed time on each exercise, and once your condition improves, you can do more. Poor sleep and headaches can be caused by other factors: stress, fatigue at work, poorly ventilated rooms, general fatigue. Try to follow the advice of experts.

If you have a headache, massage your temples: on the sides of your eyes with the three middle fingers of both hands in a circular motion for about a minute. For better blood supply, you can do a headstand or drink an infusion of medicinal herbs that improve blood circulation.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, take a bath with lemon balm, lavender, cinnamon and valerian root. You can use a pharmacy mixture of valerian root and bromine.

Now you can start a new week of classes with renewed vigor.

Continue doing exercises for your eyes and facial muscles during this and subsequent weeks.

Exercise 1 (Fig. 30)...