Diet Osama Hamdiy

Osama Hamdiy's egg diet is a nutritional principle that is based on chemical reactions occurring in the body. The diet regimen must be strictly followed. If you are overweight, you will lose up to 28 kg in a month. This weight loss system is suitable for all ages and you do not need to take any additional vitamins.

Diet rules of Professor Osama Hamdiy

  1. You need to drink a lot of water per day.
  2. Vegetables are boiled only in water; you can add pepper, salt, onion, and garlic.
  3. Oils and fats are prohibited.
  4. It is allowed to drink soda and diet soda in small quantities at any time, and you can also drink coffee without sugar and milk and tea at any time.
  5. If you are very hungry, you are allowed to eat cucumbers, carrots or salad, but not earlier than 2 hours after the main meal.
  6. It is prohibited to change the daily routine - change products and quantities, swap breakfast, lunch or dinner, exclude any product.
  7. If the quantity of a product is not indicated on the menu, you can consume it in any quantity.
  8. If you stop the diet, you cannot start it from the same moment; you will have to go back to the beginning. The same goes for dietary errors.
  9. You need to start the diet with the Monday menu, even if you start on a different day.

Explanations on the Osama Hamdiy diet menu

  1. Salad. If ingredients are not listed in parentheses, lettuce leaves are meant.
  2. The following fruits are allowed: apples, oranges, pears, apricots, melons, watermelons, peaches, kiwis, pomelo, pineapples, grapefruits, tangerines, plums. Prohibited: banana, grapes, mango, dates, figs.
  3. Boiled vegetables are zucchini or eggplant or zucchini or dry beans or green beans or carrots or green peas - only 1 product option.
  4. Any boiled vegetables are all vegetables except potatoes.
  5. Low-fat cheese is the lowest fat percentage cheese you will find.
  6. Cottage cheese can be substituted for cheese, but it must be low-fat.

Menu for the first week of the Osama Hamdiy diet
Breakfast on all days is 1/2 orange or grapefruit + a couple of boiled eggs

Lunch - 1 type of fruit in any quantity
Dinner - lean fried meat (cutlets are allowed, lamb is prohibited)

Lunch - fried or boiled skinless chicken
Dinner - a couple of boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit or orange, salad (lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, peppers)

Lunch - low-fat white cheese, 1 piece of toast, tomatoes
Dinner - lean fried meat (cutlets are allowed, lamb is prohibited)

Lunch - 1 type of fruit in any quantity
Dinner - grilled meat and salad

Lunch - a couple of boiled eggs, boiled vegetables
Dinner - fried shrimp or fish, salad, 1 grapefruit or orange

Lunch - 1 type of fruit in any quantity
Dinner - grilled meat and salad

Lunch - boiled or fried chicken, boiled vegetables, tomatoes, 1 grapefruit or orange
Dinner - boiled vegetables

Menu for the second week of the Osama Hamdiy diet
Breakfast on all days is half an orange or grapefruit + a couple of boiled eggs

Lunch - 2 boiled eggs and salad
Dinner - 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit or orange

Lunch - lean fried meat and salad
Dinner - 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit or orange

Lunch - fried meat and cucumbers
Dinner - 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit or orange

Lunch - 2 boiled eggs, low-fat white cheese and boiled vegetables
Dinner - 2 boiled eggs

Lunch - fried or boiled shrimp or fish
Dinner - 2 boiled eggs

Lunch - tomatoes, fried meat, 1 grapefruit or orange
Dinner - fruit salad (tangerine, orange, apple, peach and melon)

Lunch - boiled or fried chicken, tomatoes, 1 grapefruit or orange
Dinner - lunch menu