Football is an excellent aerobic training option for a bodybuilder.

Another week of painstaking work in the gym is behind us. The planned training plan has been completed, and here it is the long-awaited weekend. But Saturday and Sunday are not a reason to lie on your side and watch TV. As you already know from our numerous previous articles, it is better to devote the weekend to active recreation and aerobic exercise. Some people go to the pool these days, others go on a small hike in the forest, and at the same time pick mushrooms... Well, personally, I adore football. What could be better than a good run for a couple of hours with avid friends? Especially with passion, adrenaline and a wild thirst for victory!

Football is an excellent aerobic training option for a bodybuilder. After such a workout, my mood always lifts, and I rush home, pretty exhausted, tortured, but happy and cheerful! Because this is such a good psychological release. Plus communication with good old friends! In a word, I look forward to the weekend every time to once again kick the ball with like-minded people like me. Of course, for those who do not have a sufficient number of friends who are also football fans, this option for aerobic training is unlikely to be available in full...

But, specifically, I don’t have such a problem! There is a whole team of people like me! Moreover, we approach this whole process like an adult: having repeatedly visited the butsa football store, we bought ourselves several balls, good football uniforms, shoes,... - in general, everything necessary that a full-fledged football team needs. Consider that we can even be pitted against professionals. Well, I’m joking, of course, although we are striving for this...

Here is a working option for you on how to buy good sports shoes inexpensively. You need to buy in Ukraine. Everything there is now cheaper than in Russia, and even more so than in Moscow, where all prices are inflated beyond compare. After googling the Internet a little, I decided to buy Reebok sneakers, and I didn’t regret it at all. It turned out to be about two and a half times cheaper than if I bought a similar product here in Moscow... I recommend it!

This is how my weekend goes, just keep in mind. Well, a good aerobic exercise is always followed by a full and sound sleep, which, as you know, is also an important factor for a bodybuilder. In this rhythm, my weekend flies by, and on Monday, with fresh energy, I again rush to the gym to pump up my muscles.

So, adopt my experience, and for those who do not have such a close-knit and friendly team of like-minded people, I recommend not to despair. After all, you can always ride a bike, swim in the pool, and, ultimately, run around the stadium. There are still many, many options for getting the aerobic exercise we need so much. The main thing is to find what you like most. Well, this is actually not difficult at all...

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