How not to gain weight on an all-inclusive vacation

How not to gain weight on an all-inclusive vacation

When choosing a hotel for a holiday, we often pay attention to the magical phrase “all inclusive”. All-inclusive meals guarantee us gastronomic pleasure, a variety of dishes, a feast of taste and, alas, often extra pounds. How not to gain weight on an all-inclusive vacation? I want to share a few tips that will help you stay healthy and fit even while on vacation.

First, remember to have a sense of proportion. Psychologically, you are already ready for the fact that everything has been paid for, which means you need to try everything. In addition, hotel restaurants often offer both national cuisine and several others. This introduces doubt and you don't know where to start. In addition, alcohol helps you gain weight, which is also included, paid for, and, accordingly, flows like a river at resorts.

Secondly, choose hotels that offer breakfast, lunch and dinner, and not ultra all inclusive. In this option, you can easily lose the extra 3-4 kg that you gain during your vacation when you return home. If you do choose ultra all inclusive, try not to eat everything. Don’t forget that everything depends only on us, our strength and will, respect for ourselves, our body and our health.

Thirdly, before eating, drink a glass of water, this will slightly quench your hunger. Try to choose only those dishes that you have never tried before or those whose taste you really like, rather than trying everything. Make it a rule that you will try something new every day, do not repeat the contents of the plates. This rule, by the way, can be observed at lunches and dinners. Pay close attention to what is served during afternoon coffee breaks.

Fourthly, give preference to fish rather than meat dishes. They are healthier and lighter. Be sure to combine them with vegetables, but choose only the most exotic side dishes that are really worth trying. You can eat potatoes, rice, pasta and more at home, so you should choose them if you are offered something truly unique. Mediterranean cuisine has a lot of aromatic greens and herbs, a variety of vegetables and fruits. Season your salads with natural yoghurt.

Fifth, get active rest. Don't forget to play sports and exercise. Many hotels offer free yoga, pilates, aerobics and dance classes. Don't miss this opportunity to not only keep in shape, but also enjoy new acquaintances and experiences. Also try to get around on foot, engage in water sports, and explore the surrounding area to not only get better, but also to enjoy the beauty and natural attractions of the place where you are vacationing.

By following these tips, you can enjoy gastronomic diversity and relaxation without harming your health and fitness. It is important to remember about a healthy lifestyle in any conditions, including during vacation.