How to choose a diet and find out your ideal weight?

Title: How to choose a diet and find out your ideal weight?

There are a lot of diets today that promise effective weight loss. How to choose a diet that will really lead to an improvement in your figure and will not harm your health? And we talk about how to find out your ideal weight with Elena Yuryevna Kolosova, a nutritionist at the Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

First of all, it must be said that choosing your own diet is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from obesity, especially if this disease is complicated by diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and coronary heart disease. Only a nutritionist, based on tests, is able to create a diet that would reduce weight without worsening the patient’s health.

If excess body weight has not yet reached the stage of disease, then a practically healthy person can resort to the help of popular diets.

  1. What should you look for first when choosing a diet?

  2. When choosing a diet, remember: the diet should mainly consist of foods traditional to your people. After all, one might say, your body is genetically accustomed to them. Of course, you shouldn’t completely give up exotic foods, but they should play a secondary role in your diet. They should be included in the diet with caution. It happens that exotics cause or provoke food allergies. But most importantly, carefully study the diet and figure out whether you can stick to it for a long time.

  3. How long?

  4. All life. After all, the word “diet” translated from Greek means way of life. To choose the right diet, you need to have at least a general idea. what food products are made of. which substances you need in them, and which ones are harmful.

The presentation in the books of our domestic nutritionists is very intelligible: 3. M. Evenshtein “Popular Dietetics”. Mikhail Gurvich “All about diet”, V. G. Liflyandsky, V. V. Zakrevsky, M. N. Andronova “The healing properties of food products”. After reading any of these books, you will find out that proteins rich in proteins cannot be completely excluded from your diet, because they contain substances that are vital for a person.

  1. It turns out that mono-diets - when all foods except one are excluded from the diet - cannot be followed. After all, you can’t live your whole life on juices or cereals alone?

  2. Usually it is prescribed to adhere to a mono-diet for 1 - 2 weeks, no longer. If you endure this period, of course, you can lose a lot of weight - of course, on such a limited diet! But when a person stops following a diet - both this and any other - and goes back to his previous lifestyle, the lost kilograms will certainly return.

Therefore, short-term diets are ineffective if a person wants to lose weight sustainably. A mono diet can only be carried out as a supplement to the main diet and only for one day. Nutritionists call such zigzags in nutrition contrasting fasting days.

  1. How to approach diets that require taking special medications?

  2. For many women, such diets are psychologically easier than others. Such complexes provide approximately the following system: drink a glass of juice - take a yellow capsule, eat an apple - drink a red capsule. It turns out that there is no time to eat - until you figure out when to take which capsules. This diet schedule is very disciplined, and strict self-discipline is the key to the success of any diet.

Of course, you can’t follow such a diet all your life. You can start with it to quickly achieve weight loss, and then switch to another diet. If they offer you medications and promise that by taking them you will lose weight without changing your diet, do not believe them. The pills will only “work” when you give up certain foods. The exact diet you should follow is indicated in the annotation for any weight loss drug.

  1. Many diets require six