What foods accelerate aging?

Healthy eating is not only about the well-coordinated functioning of the whole body, but also about looking great. To look young for many years, you need to exclude certain foods from your diet.

How caffeine affects the body

  1. Black tea

Black tea contains so-called tannin, this substance covers our teeth with gray stains over the years. But if you are unable to refuse, no problem - just add milk to the drink, as the British do. In this case, the effect of tannin weakens. But a seemingly healthy lemon in tea only does harm, as it makes the enamel porous and more susceptible to tannin.

  1. Caffeine

Dehydrates the body, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles and cracks in the skin, making it dull. Moisturizers solve this problem well, but for the time being.

  1. Coffee

In addition to the harm from caffeine, coffee itself, like tea, is harmful to teeth. This drink contributes to the destruction of enamel. To avoid this effect, just drink your coffee with a glass of warm water.

  1. Trans fats

It is obvious that fast food does not benefit our body. And in particular for the skin. Trans fats destroy collagen, a protein responsible for the strength of tissues in the body. Thus, they lead to inflammation of the skin, making it more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation.

  1. Lemonade

Despite the obvious benefits of citrus fruits, they have little benefit for your teeth. Lemon is the biggest enemy of teeth. And if you add sugar to lemonade, the effect will be even worse.

  1. Energy

Perhaps the most unhealthy drink affects your appearance, among other things. Firstly, it is even more harmful to teeth than soda. Energy drinks lead to severe dehydration, resulting in dry skin.

  1. Spicy food

If you are a fan of Indian or Mexican cuisine, then we have bad news - spicy food provokes the appearance of pimples and even blackheads. Swelling, varicose veins, or red spots may also appear. But if you eat spicy foods in moderation, you will be fine.

  1. Salty food

Adding a lot of salt to food over time leads to dry skin, which even moisturizers cannot help. Keep an eye on the composition of purchased products - manufacturers never skimp on salt.

  1. Sweet food

If there is more sugar in the body than normal, so-called glycation occurs, which leads to the destruction of proteins. The skin loses its elasticity, becomes dry, and becomes wrinkled. Sugar also sticks to teeth and destroys enamel.

  1. Charred meat

How we love kebabs straight from the fire, don’t we? They are still in the coals - fresh, juicy, with a unique aroma. But this soot destroys collagen and leads to skin inflammation. Don't miss out on delicious barbecue, but watch the level of doneness or cut off any charred bits.

It seems that in order to stay forever young, you can’t eat anything at all, but there are also vegetables, fruits, legumes and dairy products. In addition, it is not at all necessary to give up salt, sugar and pepper; it is enough to moderate your appetites.