Kremlin diet

If you follow the Kremlin diet, you can lose 5-6 kg in 8 days, and in a month and a half you can lose 8-15 kg. The more weight you have, the faster it goes away.

Surrounded by an aura of mystery, the “diet of American astronauts,” also known under the pseudonym “Kremlin diet,” has become very popular among diet lovers today. The Kremlin diet is called a secret due to the fact that for some time the recipe for the diet itself was not disclosed, and only rumors circulated among the people about its miraculous results.

Initially, this diet presents the nutritional efficiency conditions used in the development of diets for the US military and astronauts. The diet of American astronauts owes its Kremlin “label” to representatives of the Moscow city administration and other equally important government officials, including Yuri Luzhkov and his press secretary Sergei Tsoi. Recently, this diet has taken a leading position in Russia.

The essence of the Kremlin diet
The Kremlin diet works like this: when the intake of carbohydrates into the body is sharply limited (and the diet prohibits foods high in carbohydrates), it begins to consume internal energy reserves, which are located in fat deposits. As a result, even eating an unlimited amount of meat does not slow down the weight loss process.

Weight loss - the first one or two weeks up to 20 grams of carbohydrates per day, then you can expand the diet to 40.

Should be avoided: sweet, flour, potato dishes, bread, rice and of course sugar. In the first 2 weeks, refrain from vegetables, fruits, and juices (except tomato).
The most important rule is not to sweeten anything; even one piece of sugar will be equal to your daily diet.

You can eat meat, fish, cheese, eggs, low-carb vegetables and other “low-cost” foods. The cost of the product is measured in points, points, conventional units, carbohydrates, as you prefer. Because, 1 point = 1 point = 1 c.u. = 1 gram of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product.

To view the number of points (carbohydrates) in each product, use the recipe analyzer or the “Kremlin diet points table”.

Sausage, frankfurters, and sausages should be eaten with caution. Because in the production of sausage products (sausage, frankfurters, sausages, etc.), many meat processing plants are forced to use soy additives or soy texture (it is 4 times cheaper). Meat in sausages - from 10% to 30%, and even then, very often, from chicken by-products, the rest is food additives of absolutely chemical origin (previously a little starch was added to it, which helped absorb more moisture), which have a high moisture-holding capacity and of course, the above - soy. Therefore, it is better to avoid sausages, frankfurters, and sausages with an unknown composition on this diet.

You can eat as much as you like, but you need to know when to stop! Although according to points it is acceptable, you should not consume 3-4 kg of meat per day, eating a kilogram of cheese.

The effectiveness of the Kremlin diet will significantly increase if you not only count points (carbohydrates), but also limit yourself in calories. And also do not eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Example of a Kremlin diet menu for a week
This sample menu of the Kremlin diet for a week, compiled by Evgeny Chernykh, is shown as an example so that you can navigate and create your own. You can change, add, or even replace dishes depending on your taste. The most important thing is to follow the principle of the Kremlin diet - 20 USD. first 2 weeks, less than 40 USD per day - further.

Those who have just started using the Kremlin diet are not recommended to add potatoes, cereals and vermicelli to their first courses. Also, do not use them as side dishes for main courses. It is better to eat meat and fish with vegetables.


Breakfast: cheese, 100 g - 1 c.u., fried eggs of 2 eggs with ham - 1 c.u., coffee or tea without sugar - 0 c.u.
Lunch: vegetable salad with champignons, 150 g - 6 USD, sel