Nutritional antidepressants

Spring is just around the corner, but your depression that has lasted all winter just doesn’t want to come to its logical conclusion? Bananas, nuts and chocolate help overcome depression. The fact is that these products contain a lot of hormones, which are good conductors of nerve impulses. Therefore, if a person suddenly begins to eat large quantities of these delicacies, then it is worth considering whether this is due to depression. After all, the body is a self-regulating system that very often tries to cure itself.

Bananas will make you feel happier

If you want to quickly restore your body's low energy levels, there is no better snack than a banana. Containing three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose - in combination with fibre, banana provides an immediate, significant energy boost. Studies have proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for 1.5 hours of vigorous work.

According to recent observations, among people suffering from depression, many felt better after eating bananas. This is because bananas contain trypotophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to relax you, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

Nuts are healthier than any food

Nuts contain all the main classes of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), and are not inferior in calorie content to most foods, but, unlike many of them, when used rationally, they do not contribute to weight gain.

Dark chocolate will charge you with energy and good mood

Eating dark chocolate can improve your mood and relieve chronic fatigue. It turns out that eating 45-50 grams of dark chocolate daily for 2 months helps cope with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Dark chocolate is rich in polyphenols, which affect the level of the hormone serotonin. A lack of this hormone leads to depression and so-called “chronic fatigue.”

Cravings for bananas, nuts and chocolate are not always a sign of depression; it happens that a person simply wants them. Although, of course, depression should not be forgotten either, especially for parents whose children have begun to consume sweets in large quantities.

Sweets contain a substance that helps produce serotonin, the hormone of joy and happiness, the deficiency of which is associated with depression.

In the United States, a direct link has long been established between nutrition and mental disorders. Therefore, depressive conditions are often treated there with the help of various diets. And what better way to combat depression than treats, which have the most beneficial effect on health?