Basic massage movements and techniques

Massage is a set of technical methods of strictly dosed mechanical tactile influence on the human body in the form of I) friction, II) pressure, III) vibration, promoting restoration/preservation muscular tone, and preparation the athlete's body to physical activity, relieving accumulated fatigue, and accelerating the recovery of performance after exercise. Under the influence of massage, fatigue disappears much faster than with passive rest or even thermal procedures.

The positive effect of massage on the nervous, muscular and circulatory systems, skin, and ligaments has been established. For example, its effect on the ligamentous-articular apparatus is expressed in improving and increasing the elasticity of tissues, increasing its blood circulation, helping to increase mobility in the joints, and protect against injuries. In athletes, when any joints work hard, as a result of heavy mechanical load on them, they sometimes experience microtraumas in the form of wrinkling of the joint capsule, changes in the contents of the joint, and as a result, a decrease in the range of movement, swelling of the joint, aching pain, and even sharp pain when trying to move. In such cases, massage serves as an indispensable medicine that promotes the rapid restoration of normal, healthy joint function.

The key massage techniques used are:
  1. I) stroking,
  2. II) squeezing,
  3. III) kneading,
  4. IV) shaking,
  5. V) rubbing,
  6. VI) striking techniques,
  7. VII) vibration,
  8. VIII) movements.

Massage stroking - This is a technique performed with the entire surface of the palm lying tightly on the skin. The hand should be relaxed, and the movements should be calm, rhythmic, with a slight glide of the hand over the skin. The most common types of stroking include rectilinear, alternating (when one hand finishes the movement, the other is placed crosswise above it and duplicates the same action), zigzag, combined (one hand makes a zigzag movement - the other rectilinear), concentric (in the area of ​​​​large joints) .

When stroking, the blood vessels dilate, congestion is eliminated, the necessary tone of the skin muscle fibers is activated and, at the same time, the entire muscle relaxes.

Squeezing actively affects superficial and deep tissues. The main techniques of the technique include transverse squeezing, performed by the tubercle of the thumb, as well as the thumb of the hand itself, placed across the massaged fragment, the thumb is pressed against the index finger, and the rest are slightly bent; squeezing the base of two palms, which are located on the massaged area next to each other or one slightly in front of the other and move over several areas; squeezing with the edge of the palm or hand across the target massaged fragment (fingers relaxed and slightly bent); girth squeezing, performed on the limb with hands whose fingers are facing each other (can be performed with twisting of the muscles, due to the movement of the hands towards each other); squeezing with one hand, performed with the base of the palm and the tubercle of the thumb, through straight-line sliding pressure along the massaged area.

This technique should be performed slowly, with extreme relaxation of the massaged muscles, without pain.

Squeezing increases lymph flow, helps eliminate congestion and swelling, helps improve skin and muscle tone, and improves muscle nutrition.

The next massage technique is a variety of types of kneading:

  1. a) ordinary,
  2. b) double ring,
  3. c) double neck,
  4. d) pincer-shaped,
  5. e) longitudinal, etc.

Ordinary massage kneading performed with fingers, tightly grasping the muscle and pulling it away from the bone bed. 4 fingers perform rotational, cyclic circular movements, moving along the muscles. At the same time, the thumb creates an emphasis that tends to meet the other four fingers. The muscle should experience alternating pressure from both sides.

Double ring kneading Perform with hands, with thumbs placed across the muscles, at a distance of the width of the palm. When pulling upward the massaged muscle, make a movement with each hand in the same way as with ordinary kneading. The movement is carried out continuously over the entire surface area of ​​the muscle from the bottom up, with almost straight fingers, slowly, without jerking or possible twisting of the muscles.

  1. a) gluteals,
  2. b) thigh muscles,
  3. c) latissimus dorsi muscle.

Tong kneading It is used to massage flat muscles that cannot be pulled or lifted from the target bone bed, and in its initial position it looks like stroking. The pads of the fingers are connected in the form of a semicircular line, reminiscent of the image of forceps, placed on the target muscle and made circular movements, pressing it.

On long muscles it is carried out longitudinal kneading with both hands - with the pads of the thumbs placed over the muscle at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Four fingers squeeze the muscle from below to the side towards the thumb in front, after which the other hand moves forward, repeating the same movements until the muscle is passed along the entire length.

Kneading has a significant effect on the muscles, increasing their contractility, increasing the mobility of the ligamentous apparatus, increasing blood circulation, metabolism, and reducing muscle fatigue.

Various types are used rubbing:

  1. straight (with the whole palm, fingertips, both with weights with the second hand and without weights);
  2. circular (with the pads of the fingers, circular movements are made in the direction away from you while simultaneously resting on the thumb, in the case of rubbing four fingers, or on four, when rubbing the thumb);
  3. rectilinear and circular - done with the pads and tubercles of the thumbs (with both hands on the knee, ankle joints and Achilles tendon);
  4. straight-line rubbing with forceps (using one hand placed over the joint in the shape of an arch and sliding upward, massaging the outside of the joint with the thumb and the inside with the other four);
  5. zigzag (on the back - with the base of the palm, starting above the lower back, moving along the back, and on the joints - with the pads of all fingers);
  6. comb-shaped (with one, two hands, with weights, using the ridges of the fingers clenched into a fist, or the ridge of the fist, performing movements in a straight line, in a circle, in a spiral).

During rubbing, the movements of the massage therapist’s hands are directed along the lymphatic vessels, the fingers take a more vertical position towards the massaged area. To better relax the tissues, rubbing is combined with stroking. In one session, types of rubbing should be used that correspond to the target setting of the massage, the place where it is carried out, the time allotted for the procedure, and the state of the athlete’s body.

By using rubbing You can quickly warm up the desired area of ​​the body, and also improve mobility in the joint.

In sports and therapeutic massage, active movements are widely used, performed through volitional effort and without the participation of any external force; movements with resistance provided by the person being massaged or massaged; passive movements performed under the influence of an external force - for example, bending the legs at the knee joint with the hands. These types of massage have a positive effect on muscles, ligaments, and joints.

When performing passive movements and movements with resistance, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the joint and the axis along which movements are allowed in it, so as not to cause pain in the person being massaged. The use of the technique should begin with active movements. All exercises should be performed slowly and progressively, and the load should correspond to the capabilities of the person being massaged. Muscles and ligaments should be carefully prepared for movements in this joint.

Have a wide impact on the body striking techniques:

  1. effleurage,
  2. all kinds of pats,
  3. as well as chopping.

Reception "effleurage" performed with fingers half-clenched into fists, with the hands turned inward at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other. A massage blow is applied with a slightly retracted little finger, either with two at once or with just one hand.

Chopping performed with the little finger of an outstretched hand with relaxed and open fingers. The hands should move vigorously, quickly and rhythmically, striking at a frequency of approximately 180-300 per minute. The power of the blows is determined by the number of levers involved in the movement:

  1. in light blows only the hand is used,
  2. in energetic ones - the whole hand.

Chopping is carried out along the muscle fibers. It is recommended to perform all striking techniques alternately with 2 hands. The palms of the hands must be placed as close as possible to each other, at a distance of up to 5 cm.

When using tapping, patting and chopping, it is important not to overdo it with the force of influence. Remember: everything should be in moderation... Percussive techniques increase blood flow to the massaged area, improving tissue nutrition, increase the contractile force of muscle fibers, increasing their tone.

Impact techniques are performed only on relaxed large muscle groups. They cannot be used on tired people after heavy physical exertion.

Recently, thanks to special devices, an effective massage technique has become widespread - vibration.

In fact, the purpose of manual vibration is to transfer the massaged body part oscillatory, cyclic movements the highest possible frequency produced by the tips of 1) one, 2) two, or 3) all fingers, and sometimes 4) the palm or fist. When vibrating with 1 or 2 fingers, they are placed perpendicular to the target area or laid horizontally. On large muscle groups, such vibration is carried out by all fingers gathered into a fist, or by the palm. In hardware vibration massage, devices are used for general (simultaneous massage of the whole body) and local (massage of certain areas of the body) vibration - “EMA-2M”, “Tonus”, “Sport” and others. They can be used both for a) massage and b) self-massage.

Vibration massage carried out lying down, sitting, standing with maximum relaxation of the muscles of the massaged person, using a stationary (vibrating tip or vibrator is located on one fragment of the body for 2-4 s, and then moves to another) and sliding (the vibrating element moves without detaching from the surface of the skin of the massaged area from the periphery to the center) methods.

Vibration massage should begin by applying slight pressure on the tissue with the attachment, then increase it, and finally decrease it again. The attachment should move at a stable speed, smoothly, slowly, without jerking or sudden changes in pressure.

During a vibration massage, it is generally not recommended to smear the massaged area of ​​the body with oils, rubs, or creams, as the massage will be less effective.

The physiological effect of cyclic vibration on a living organism depends on:

  1. frequencies,
  2. amplitudes,
  3. duration of oscillatory movements.

Under the influence of vibration, metabolic processes are accelerated, tissue nutrition is improved, the excitability of our neuromuscular system is reduced, fatigue is relieved, and restoration processes in tissues proceed faster.

In addition to the techniques listed above, athletes involved in athletics can use mechanical massagers of various designs:

  1. track massager,
  2. gymnastic stick massager,
  3. massager tape,
  4. and others.

Well proven and hydromassage - underwater (with a water jet under enormous pressure), using a powerful pressure water jet on land, manually under water.

The effective influence of hydromassage is evidenced by studies conducted over 4 years with the test participation of 340 athletes, mostly highly qualified. Under the influence of a three-minute hydromassage, the tension tone of the calf muscles decreased by 5-6 degrees (without massage the condition of the muscles does not change), and after another two hours the muscle tissue returned to normal (but without massage this takes 6-8 hours).

Both beginners and experienced athletes should use an effective recovery tool during rest mode - self-massage, using the technique of some of the techniques discussed above.

The following main muscle groups are massaged. Self-massage of the neck is performed while sitting or standing, performing:

  1. I) stroking,
  2. II) squeezing (transverse, performed with the edge of the palm),
  3. III) kneading (with finger pads),
  4. IV) rubbing (along the spine and at the points of attachment of muscle fibers to the occipital bone).

The shoulder girdle is massaged while sitting. After stroking performed on the shoulder squeezing, ordinary kneading.

When massaging the shoulder and elbow joints, rubbing is used:

  1. I) pincer-shaped,
  2. II) rectilinear and circular,
  3. III) and then perform the movements.

The outer surface of the forearm is first stroked, then squeezed with the edge of the palm, kneaded: I) with the pads of 4 fingers, II) with the phalanges of the fingers clenched into a fist, III) with the edge of the palm; and on the inner surface of the forearm, additional kneading is performed.

Self-massage of the breast is carried out:

  1. sitting, crossing your legs, with your hand on your raised thigh;
  2. lying on your back (with a soft cushion folded under your head);
  3. standing (free hand lowered). After stroking with the palm tightly pressed to the pectoral muscle, there follows squeezing (in the upward direction towards the axillary fossa), kneading (ordinary, with phalanges, with a clenched fist), rubbing: I) straight, II) zigzag, III) spiral and IV) circular with fingertips ).

At massage of the latissimus dorsi muscles take the starting position while sitting, crossing your legs, and place your hand on the target side being massaged on your thigh; with the other hand all sorts of techniques are performed.

Self-massage of the abdomen performed in a supine position, with the legs bent at the knee joints. The following techniques are used: stroking (clockwise), as well as kneading a) ordinary, b) double circular, c) with the base of the palm.

Pelvic area Massage while standing on one leg, the other (from the side being massaged) is moved to the side and relaxed. Apply I) stroking (in the direction from the hip upward), II) squeezing, III) kneading: ordinary, with the heel of the palm, with a fist.

Self-massage of the anterior thigh take a sitting position with straightened legs. The following are used: I) stroking (with two hands and combined), II) squeezing (transverse, with the edge of the palm), III) kneading (single, double bar, double ring, longitudinal), c) rubbing (straight, zigzag, circular with the ridges of fingers gathered into a fist), as well as striking techniques and stroking.

Location on hamstrings (biceps) self-massage is done while sitting, with the massaged leg bent, using a) stroking, b) squeezing and c) kneading.

Massage in the same starting position calf muscle, performing: I) stroking with both hands, II) squeezing, III) kneading (single, double bar, double ring).

Self-massage of the feet and ankles performed from a sitting position on a chair or on the floor. On the area of ​​the ankle joint, rubbing is used (pincer-shaped and with the pads of 4 fingers), and on the back of the foot - stroking with two hands, rubbing (straight, zigzag, circular with the pads of the thumbs and 4 fingers with one hand and with weights).

By time self-massage May be: A) private (5-8) or b) general (8-12 min).

Recommended massage sequence: thigh, lower leg, foot, chest, neck, arms, back, stomach, pelvic area.

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