The role of special auxiliary exercises and general physical training of a weightlifter

In this article we want to focus your attention on the role of special auxiliary exercises and general physical training of a weightlifter. After all, in order to successfully lift a barbell weighing 130 kg, you need to be able to lift a weight of 112.5-115 kg with a semi-squat. Increasing results in special auxiliary exercises makes it possible to adjust the content of training at certain stages - increase or decrease, if necessary, the proportion of certain exercises for a uniform increase in achievements in the snatch and clean and jerk.

General physical training should also be planned in your annual training. General physical training classes must be carried out both in the preparatory and competitive periods, but the volume of the load is gradually reduced towards the end of the competitive period. General physical training must be strictly dosed so that it does not negatively affect training sessions, but contributes to the development of the qualities necessary for a weightlifter.

The general physical training of a weightlifter includes: morning exercises in track and field and other exercises (15-20 minutes); introductory and final parts of the weightlifting lesson, which include:

  1. general developmental exercises (average 30 min);
  2. special swimming lessons,
  3. sports games,
  4. skiing,
  5. athletics

- depending on the season, 3-4 times a week (about 1 hour) in the preparatory period and 2-3 times (about 1 hour) - in the competitive period. If we add to this general physical training classes during transitional periods, then approximately 350-400 hours should be devoted to general physical training classes throughout the year. So, take the trouble to buy swimming trunks and goggles for the pool, get skis out of the basement in the winter season, well, By summer, buy sneakers and light sportswear, because you have a lot of running to do. After all, aerobic training for a weightlifter has never been canceled!

As we see, the role of special auxiliary exercises and general physical training of a weightlifter cannot be underestimated. In conclusion, it should be noted that planning is an approximate (at each stage) training program, which during execution can change depending on the athlete’s capabilities.

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