Slag-free diet

The slag-free diet is a short-term diet for those who want to remove toxins from the body. It will be especially useful after long feasts. A cleansing diet from toxins is useful for absolutely all people. Nowadays, the environment pollutes us not only through processed consumer products, but also through polluted water and the atmosphere.

Many of the fruits and vegetables that we eat are sprayed with pesticides, therefore even adherents of a healthy diet cannot protect their bodies from contamination by various poisons.

Pros and cons of a slag-free diet

Thanks to a cleansing diet of toxins, the entire body will be cleansed, and cellulite caused by the accumulation of toxins in the body will also go away. No other diet can cleanse internal organs so well. For people who lead an active lifestyle, a detox diet is not suitable, as they need a large amount of energy. When following this diet, you may experience a headache, which is an indication that everything bad is being removed from the body.

There are two versions of the ash-free diet.

Slag-free diet products 1

The first diet is aimed solely at removing toxins; it is not followed for the sake of losing weight. The consumption of fruits, berries and mineral water is allowed. Other food products are excluded from the diet.

Sample menu:

  1. Breakfast - a glass of mineral water + an apple
  2. Lunch - 2 bananas and a couple of glasses of mineral water
  3. Dinner - fruit salad (pineapple, strawberries or strawberries)

It is recommended to stay on this diet for no more than 3 days.

Products and dishes of a slag-free diet 2

Allowed: vegetable broths, soups with low-fat meat broth, lean beef and veal, boiled chicken, soufflé, fish dishes (cod, pike perch, perch, pike), low-fat cottage cheese and cheeses, compotes, jelly and juices.

Prohibited: cabbage borscht and cabbage soup, soups with milk, okroshka, fatty meat, duck and goose, smoked and salted, sausages, canned food, fatty fish, coarse vegetables, pickled and salted mushrooms, dairy products, spicy seasonings, sweets, kvass, soda and alcohol.