Slimness in 10 days

Slimness in 10 days: express diet from Madeleine Gesta

Many of us want to quickly get rid of extra pounds before an important event, such as a vacation or a wedding. However, as a rule, diets that promise to lose weight in a short period of time are ineffective and even dangerous to health. But there is an exception - a 10-day express diet from the famous French therapist and nutritionist Madeleine Gesta.

The essence of this diet is that pure salt and sugar are temporarily excluded from the diet. This approach helps stop fluid retention in the body and quickly reduce weight. However, the diet is not only low in fats and sugars, but also quite rich in essential vitamins and microelements.

Products that are recommended to be consumed during the diet are cocoa, honey, chicken breast, steak, vegetables, fish, fruits, yogurt, lemon juice and dried fruits. These foods provide a feeling of satiety and a good mood.

The diet plan looks like this:


  1. In the morning: a cup of cocoa with skim milk and 1 teaspoon of honey.
  2. At noon: something hearty - chicken breast or steak with vegetables.
  3. During the day: 1 milk yogurt or 1 any fruit.
  4. Around 18:00: freshly squeezed juice of 1 lemon, diluted with water, and a teaspoon of honey.
  5. From 18 to 20 hours: 3 cups of unsalted vegetable broth in several doses (at any intervals).
  6. Between 20.00 and 21.30: 3 cups of boiled vegetables (you can season with aromatic herbs and 1 spoon of vegetable oil, sprinkle with lemon juice, but do not add salt!).
  7. Before bed: 1 yogurt.


  1. In the morning: a glass of water and the juice of 1/2 grapefruit (you can just eat half).
  2. After an hour: 1 cup cocoa with skim milk.
  3. Before noon: 0.5 liters of weak vegetable broth in several doses.
  4. Afternoon: grapefruit juice or 2 grapefruits.
  5. After 2 hours: puree any 2 fruits.
  6. At 18 o'clock - 200 g of fish and 300 g of green vegetables.
  7. At night: 1 yogurt with a spoon of honey.

Next week:

  1. In the morning: 1 glass of water, freshly squeezed juice of 1 orange or grapefruit, a cup of hot cocoa.
  2. After 15 minutes: 1 any fruit.
  3. During the day: 150-200 g of cottage cheese and the same amount of fruit.
  4. At 15-16 hours: a handful of dried fruits.
  5. While waiting for dinner, drink lemon juice with honey (1 lemon + 1.5 glasses of water + 1 spoon of honey).
  6. Around 6 p.m.: 200 g fish or poultry and 300 g green vegetables.
  7. At night: 1 yogurt.

This diet can help you lose 3 to 5 kg in 10 days. If you need to lose the same amount, then the diet can be repeated after 1-2 months. However, in order to maintain the achieved weight, it is necessary to arrange fasting days every 2 weeks according to the “Saturday-Sunday” scheme.

However, it should be remembered that you cannot sit on such a diet for more than 10 days in a row. And if you do not regularly resort to 2-day fasting, then the lost kilos can return very quickly.

This diet has already helped many celebrities, such as Isabelle Adjani, Gerard Depardieu, Chiara Mastroianni, Juliette Binoche and Catherine Deneuve, achieve the desired slimness in a short time. However, before starting any diet, you need to consult a specialist and make sure that it is safe for your health.