This is how they lose weight in France

The French diet is one of the most rigid and strict diets that allows you to quickly lose excess weight. This diet was developed by French nutritionists and is planned for 14 days. The main principle of the French diet is strict adherence to the menu and the exclusion from the diet of foods containing salt, sugar, alcohol, bread and other flour products.

The daily diet consists of three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. At first glance, the menu looks rather modest and sparsely varied, but it is precisely this sequence of food used that causes the necessary changes in metabolic processes, which allows you to quickly lose weight.

The first day starts with black coffee for breakfast. Lunch consists of two eggs, lettuce and tomatoes, and for dinner a piece of lean boiled meat and lettuce are offered. The second day begins with the same black coffee, but with a cracker. Lunch consists of a piece of boiled meat, and for dinner ham or boiled sausage without fat is offered, again with lettuce.

The third day begins with black coffee and crackers. Lunch consists of carrots fried in vegetable oil, tomatoes and a tangerine or orange, and for dinner two eggs, low-fat sausage and lettuce are offered. The fourth day begins with black coffee and crackers. Lunch consists of one egg, fresh carrots and cheese, and dinner includes fruit salad and kefir.

The fifth day begins with grated carrots with lemon juice. Lunch consists of boiled fish and tomatoes, and for dinner a piece of boiled meat is offered. The sixth day begins with black coffee. Lunch consists of boiled chicken and lettuce, and for dinner a piece of boiled meat is offered. The seventh day begins with tea. Lunch consists of boiled meat and fruit, and for dinner low-fat ham or sausage is offered.

The eighth, ninth and tenth days repeat the menu of the first seven days. The eleventh day begins with black coffee and crackers. Lunch consists of one egg, fresh carrots and cheese, and dinner includes fruit salad and kefir. The twelfth day begins with grated carrots with lemon juice. Lunch consists of boiled fish and tomatoes, and for dinner a piece of boiled meat is offered. The thirteenth day begins with black coffee. Lunch consists of boiled chicken and lettuce, and for dinner a piece of boiled meat is offered. The fourteenth and last day begins with tea. Lunch consists of boiled meat and fruit, and for dinner low-fat ham or sausage is offered.

As can be seen from the menu description, the French diet is quite harsh and requires a person to strictly adhere to the diet for 14 days. Despite this, it is popular in France and abroad due to its effectiveness in the fight against excess weight.

However, before you start following the French diet, you need to consult your doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications for following it. It is also important to understand that after finishing the diet, you need to return to a healthy and balanced diet in order to maintain the results achieved and not harm your health.