We eat at the call of the blood, or Nutrition by groups

Surely you have heard about the blood group theory of nutrition. It is possible and necessary to eat sensibly and beneficially for yourself, as well as rationally and balancedly, depending on what blood type you have. There are both adherents and opponents of this theory, but you and I, as educated people, must be aware of what is what and why, so that we can then draw the appropriate conclusions with knowledge of the matter.

So, the blood group nutrition method was developed by the American doctor Peter D’Adamo. According to his theory, the digestibility of food and the efficiency of its use by the body are directly related to the genetic characteristics of a person. Namely, with his blood type. For the normal functioning of the immune and digestive systems, a person needs to eat foods that correspond to his blood type, in other words, those that his ancestors ate in ancient times. Excluding substances incompatible with blood from the diet reduces slagging in the body, improves the functioning of internal organs, and promotes weight loss. Consumption of “foreign” foods, on the contrary, leads to rapid growth of fat deposits.

The theory of nutrition based on blood type caused heated discussions among doctors that have not subsided to this day. On its basis, various diets based on blood groups have been developed, which have recently become very fashionable. How, according to D'Adamo, should people with different blood types eat?

Nutrition according to the first blood group

People with blood type 1 (0) and called “hunters” should rely on animal proteins as the basis of their diet, and they should avoid bread, pasta and dairy products.

Nutrition according to the second blood group

Representatives of blood group 2 (A) - “farmers” - are recommended to eat a vegetarian diet.

Nutrition according to the third blood group

Blood type 3 (B) appeared when human tribes began to migrate north into areas with a harsh climate. Therefore, D’Adamo calls those with the third blood group “nomads.” Their immune system is powerful, and they can choose food more freely than people with blood groups 1 and 2. "Nomads" are the main consumers of milk.

Nutrition according to the fourth blood group

Blood type 4 (AB) appeared less than a thousand years ago as a result of mixing of other groups. Hence the name: “new people”. People with blood type IV respond quickly to environmental and nutritional changes. They have a sensitive digestive tract and an overly tolerant immune system.

The foods typical for each blood group are described above. However, each of us has our own individual characteristics. Therefore, when selecting food products and choosing a diet based on your blood type, you must take into account not only general recommendations, but also your individuality, first of all, the origin and blood type of your ancestors.

Doctors have not yet come to a consensus on how effective nutrition based on blood type is, although most nutritionists consider this theory to have at least a right to exist. People suffering from any chronic diseases should use blood type nutrition very carefully, and be sure to consult a doctor.