What do Ukrainian stars have for breakfast?

It is fashionable among celebrities to start the day with a glass of cold water on an empty stomach. Mikhail Poplavsky improved the morning drink by adding flax to it. To prepare a healing drink, flax seeds must be crushed in a coffee grinder and poured with water. Let it brew a little, stir and drink. Then go for a run or exercise and start breakfast. The showman considers oatmeal cooked in water to be the best breakfast. Moreover, you should not cook the porridge, but steam it with boiling water for 1-15 minutes. Then nuts and raisins are added to it to taste. Of course, no salt. And instead of sugar, only a little honey is acceptable. Poplavsky himself thinks so.

The famous restaurateur and TV presenter Nikolai Tishchenko drinks a glass of cold water on an empty stomach. And he recommends that everyone eat cheesecakes for breakfast. He himself prefers to cook them from low-fat cottage cheese.

Singer Olga Neka also eats cottage cheese for breakfast, but in live form. She believes that flour and eggs in cheesecakes do more harm than the benefits of cottage cheese.

Nutritionists recognize all three breakfast options as worthy. Durum flour and eggs are not harmful at all. Egg yolks contain choline, which helps maintain the body's youth. So you can safely choose from the proposed options the one you like best: cottage cheese, cheesecakes or oatmeal with honey. Drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach is also beneficial. For benefit and taste, in addition to flax, you can add a teaspoon of honey.

Photo: glamurchik.tochka.net