What is the Shangri La diet

Shangri La diet: how not to limit yourself in food and at the same time lose weight

In search of an ideal figure, we are ready to sacrifice a lot, but violence against our body is not always justified. The Shangri La diet, developed by American psychologist Seth Roberts, offers weight loss without deprivation and food restrictions.

The essence of the Shangri La diet is not to limit yourself in foods, but to reduce your appetite. Roberts believes that the body itself should understand when to stop, but it needs to be given a push. The impetus, in his opinion, should be aromatic associations that will help dull the feeling of hunger.

The catch is not to limit yourself from foods, but to reduce your appetite. According to Roberts, even the most high-calorie foods that do not have a pronounced “appetizing” smell are not stored as fat. But smells that are tasty to the body only provoke a feeling of hunger, because the stomach demands more and more “snacks”. But if you constantly eat neutral foods with flavors you don’t care about, then your hunger will gradually begin to dull.

Accordingly, when you sit down at the table, you eat even less than normal, simply because you don’t feel like it. Roberts chose sweet water and olive oil as the basis of his diet. Taken on an empty stomach, they perfectly kill the feeling of hunger with their calorie content and neutral odor. All you need to do is drink a glass of sweet water or a spoon of olive oil an hour before meals. The viscous liquid contains so many calories that the feeling of hunger disappears on its own.

But how not to fall off the Shangri La diet? Overwhelm the smells of your favorite dishes with all kinds of spices and sauces that you are indifferent to. Then the deceived receptors will perceive the food as tasteless, and you can calmly eat your favorite foods.

Roberts himself chose foods that were unpalatable to him so thoroughly that he began to eat only once every two days. So in just 3 months he lost almost 15 kg (though Roberts did not forget about sports). But you certainly shouldn’t reach such fanaticism. It is enough to simply reduce the portions of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Critics of the Shangri La diet claim that it is ineffective, but many nutritionists agree that this way of eating is completely harmless and certainly better than many other diets that promote deprivation of entire food groups.

It is important to remember that the Shangri La diet is not a panacea and is not suitable for everyone. Every body is unique and you should consult your doctor or nutritionist before starting any diet. It is also important to remember to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and getting enough sleep.

In conclusion, the Shangri La diet can be an interesting experiment for those looking for unusual ways to lose weight without food restrictions. But before you start, you need to carefully study the principles of the diet and do everything possible so as not to fall off the path to your ideal figure.