Women's training

We will publish general aspects and features of women's sports training in this special section. Here all the nuances of the training process focused on the female body will be collected and accumulated, that is, everything that distinguishes us - the fair sex from the male half of humanity. Read “Women’s Training” and be on the crest of the sports wave...

  1. You can't hide your athletic figure under a T-shirt or tank top!
  2. Do women need fitness during their periods?
  3. Ideal physique and proportions of a female figure
  4. Ideal proportions of a female figure
  5. Exercises for a pear figure
  6. The female body and physical education of girls
  7. Fitness: tips for beginners
  8. Training program for women
  9. Are strength exercises in the gym good for girls?
  10. I choose - health fitness! And you…?
  11. Is it possible to go to the gym during menstruation?
  12. Features of menstruation

You can't hide your athletic figure under a T-shirt or tank top!

Our dear ladies, let's think about what clothes are? In fact, as the famous proverb says, clothes are our second skin, which accompanies us throughout our lives. Moreover, at any time of the year, in any weather, and at any time of our daily life cycle. Think about it: even at night, when we go to bed, we are still wearing something, albeit very little, but we are wearing it... And only in the bathroom and sometimes in bed with the man we love do we become 100% naked.

At the same time, clothes give us more than just warmth. It is capable of hiding our external defects or, let’s say, minor flaws. We all know about push-up bras, which favorably embellish our breasts, high heels and stilettos, which simply transform our legs, and the whole figure as a whole, and other feminine things that we can’t live without today...

If such insignificant elements of clothing can transform our appearance so much, what can we say about natural fur coats and other impressive elements of our wardrobe...

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Do women need fitness during their periods?

Menstruation is the most unpleasant period in the life of every woman. Discomfort, irritability appear, mental state is disturbed, general health worsens, some even experience acute pain... It is no wonder that many women refuse physical training during this period. But is this right? Maybe there is still a place for sports these days? Let's look at this issue...

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Ideal physique and proportions of a female figure

It is assumed that after 30 years the fair sex can afford gaining weight just for two kilograms in ten years. Moreover, the count is based on normal weight, that is, without taking into account fluctuations associated, for example, with the birth of a child.

Ideal proportions of a female figure

If weight is normal, but you still don’t like the figure, which means the problem is volumes. Indeed, in addition to body weight, proportionality is also important for its aesthetic assessment.

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Exercises for a pear figure

A pear figure is characterized by narrow shoulders, puny arms, small breasts, a thin waist, calories “settle” on the hips, which makes them massive against the background of a small top. In fact, men find this body type attractive because it makes the butt stand out. However, the owners of pear-shaped figures themselves have a completely opposite opinion; they try in every possible way to reduce their volume below the waist and increase it above. In this article, we will give real advice on how to most effectively achieve this...

Let's not argue that removing centimeters around the hips is the hardest, because it is in this part that blood circulation is not as active as in the upper half of the body. Because of this, fat tissue is burned more slowly. By the way, nutritionists categorically do not advise pear-shaped women to go hungry. After all, the chest loses weight first, then the stomach goes down, and only then does it come to the hips. But the opposite effect is needed. And when the girl returns to her previous diet, her body will become even more massive.

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The female body and physical education of girls

The deceleration of the last decade has expressed itself in later puberty of the female contingent. The average onset of first menstruation in 1984 in large and capital cities was, on average, 12 years 3 months. In 2002, this figure was 13 years 2 months. Also, by 2002, the age range for the onset of menstruation increased. Thus, 6.2% of girls noted the onset of their first menstruation at the age of 11 years, 18.8% - 12 years; 37.5% - 13 years; 25.0% - 14 years; in 12.5% ​​at 15 years of age. The difference in the onset of the first menstruation at four years leaves its mark on the degree and speed of physical and functional development of girls and once again emphasizes the importance of an individually differentiated approach for the effective implementation of the educational and training process. The characteristics of the female body should be taken into account in physical education classes using means and methods to prepare female athletes, first of all, for childbearing function. Since there are differences in the level of physical development and sports readiness between women and men, we can talk about an independent methodology aimed at shaping the psychophysical state of girls in the process of physical education.

Fitness: tips for beginners

As you know, do the very first step - the hardest thing. You need to overcome a certain psychological barrier within yourself, finally make up your mind, overcome all doubts and anxieties and still step forward! It is for this reason that we try to pay so much attention for beginners, to make their start as easy as possible on the long, never-ending path into the fascinating world of fitness and bodybuilding...

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Training program for women

How to properly create a training schedule at home?

I think every woman dreams of always being in good health sports uniform, have a strong, elastic and flexible body, wants to significantly improve your well-being and get rid of stress... Well, everything is in our hands - give a gift to your body, give it flexibility and beauty with the help of the exercises presented on our website.

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Are strength exercises in the gym good for girls?

For some reason, most of the fair sex, succumbing to stereotypes, still believe that doing physical work in the gym is only useful for men. Well, for women - only aerobics, shaping, or other types of fitness designed specifically for them. We hasten to dissuade you. This is a completely wrong position! And, despite the presence of all sorts of “advanced” techniques, there is still no better way to tighten muscles, get rid of subcutaneous fat and correct your figure than exercise in the gym. Slimness without various painful diets, strong muscles, excellent health - strength training will give you all this.

If you ask any girl why she doesn’t go to the gym, then with almost one hundred percent probability everyone will say that all women who perform strength exercises with weights look similar to men. Yes, in specialized bodybuilding magazines and on Internet resources dedicated to athleticism you can find photographs of female bodybuilders who resemble the stronger sex...

I choose - health fitness! And you…?

The concept of health fitness combines various types of physical activity: swimming, walking, running, gymnastics, Pilates, yoga and much more. Due to the passive lifestyle of our population, such activities are very useful and their popularity is increasing day by day.

Benefits from classes and results:

  1. prevention of common diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, poor posture. Those who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from a stroke or heart attack.
  2. a person has better control of his body due to awareness of his physical form;
  3. improved coordination, reaction and dexterity;
  4. improved mood due to increased production of endorphins;
  5. It has been proven that trained and healthy people have a much longer life expectancy.

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Is it possible to go to the gym during menstruation?

Moderate exercise in a fitness club during menstruation eliminates blood stagnation in the organs of the reproductive system and promotes the secretion of endorphins, which are responsible for overall well-being. Women who regularly exercise and do not suffer from gynecological disorders slightly reduce the load during menstruation and do not stop training. With gynecological diseases, it is difficult to decide on your own whether you can go to the gym during your period. Most often, discomfort and poor health are associated with illness. When making the final decision on classes, they proceed from the nature of the pathology and the recommendations of the gynecologist.

Features of menstruation

It should be noted that menstruation disorders and discomfort are also noted:

  1. in childless women;
  2. when using intrauterine contraceptives;
  3. with blood stagnation caused by lack of movement.

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