Group dynamics of training in a fitness class.

Who, if not a first-class coach with many years of experience, can lift the veil of mystery over effective methods of the training process? Today we will listen to multiple Russian medalist in bodybuilding, record holder in powerlifting, real fitness expert Leonid Vashkevich, coach of one of the most famous clubs in Moscow, a true professional in his field and part-time our author...

So, over to you, Leonid...

In this article, I will express all my various beliefs more than once, but briefly, first I will tell the main thing: my entire fitness philosophy essentially boils down to the fact that in the end only the result achieved matters. And how can my client achieve it? This is precisely my professional task.

There are no universal recipes for everyone. Some people need more flexibility and endurance, some need to build muscle volume, others need to develop strength. The main goal of a beginner, in my opinion, is to form for himself a clear understanding of the efforts that need to be made to maximize his physical potential in training. By training with me, you will get tangible results regardless of your initial level of sports and physical development...

Most people who come into contact with me have a very different concept of “trying hard enough” than I do. For me personally, the training process is mainly about dynamics, and not about endless monotonous squeezing of a barbell while lying on a bench. I am for dynamics in training. Movements must have different directions and be carried out in different planes. I am also sure that training exercises should contain some elements of group play. I also believe that in each of us, even if deep down, there is an athlete. My main goal is to provide the athlete with training that will allow him to reach the peak of his physical fitness, regardless of the athlete's background ability.

In fact, if you really want to be good at something, you have to train like a professional athlete. These, in my opinion, are the most optimal students and teachers. After all, professional athletes earn their living with their bodies, and therefore, if they manage to find some cool, effective way that makes it possible to achieve even higher results, they, without any doubt and with pleasure, grab onto it, and it is from such people that you you can hear the unique but effective secrets of progressive training. I think it is precisely these above-mentioned advantages that the so-called fitness at home is completely deprived of. Yes, you don’t have to go anywhere, yes you can have first-class sports equipment and equipment at home, and you will save a lot of time and money.. But think now: how much you are losing by working out at home... That’s why I recommend training exclusively in the gym , in a friendly team collectively, and nothing else!

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