How to pump up your hamstrings?

Often, beginning bodybuilders do not pay enough attention to the biceps femoris muscle, considering its training a secondary matter. But it is impossible to achieve a competitive level without harmonious development, and hastily catching up will have to be done to the detriment of other parts of the body.

How to pump up your hamstrings?

Therefore, you need to pay attention to the question: “how to pump up your hamstrings?” from the very beginning of your athletic career.

Basic exercises for hamstrings:

The most popular and often the only exercise in the arsenal of many athletes. An effective movement that hits the target, but it also has its drawbacks. Due to the rigid fixation of the legs with the exercise roller, excessive tension is created in the knees, which can cause injury to the joints. It is very important to take a comfortable position before starting the approach so that the edge of the bench does not put pressure on your knees. Find a foot position (toes in, out, or parallel) that makes the exercise most difficult, this will reduce the weight of the exercise and reduce the risk of injury.

Single leg curls in the simulator

This version of the exercise also gives good mass and is less traumatic. Make sure that your torso is motionless, hold tightly to the racks of the exercise machine, and do not help the working leg with the efforts of your back muscles. The range of motion is full, until the roller touches the buttocks.

You can pump up your hamstrings not only with leg curl exercises. Bends with a barbell behind your head and deadlifts on straight legs are very good in this regard.

Fix the barbell well by placing the bar on the trapezius and rear deltoids, slightly tense your back and begin to bend. When your torso becomes parallel to the floor, slowly straighten as you exhale. Watch your breathing: inhale at the beginning of the tilt and exhale when lifting. This will help you control your posture and prevent your back from arching. And don't go for heavy weights, you should do 10-12 repetitions slowly and clearly.

Deadlift on straight legs.

Super exercise for shock pumping of the biceps femoris muscle. A prerequisite is the use of a protective belt and an absolutely straight back when performing the movement. Select the correct weight of the barbell: if you can keep your spine arched at a 90-degree angle, this is your weight; if not, reduce it immediately. When performing deadlifts, your knees can be slightly bent. In the upper position, inhale and begin a new inclination, but its angle should not exceed 80 degrees, there should be no deep inclinations! Also, to avoid misalignment of the spinal column, do not use a different grip. Remember, the point of this exercise is not about deadlift records, but about precision and measured movements. Only optimal technique will fully load the hamstrings and “explode” them.

To diversify their training, some athletes practice one more exercise.

Outwardly very similar to hyperextensions, the difference lies in the starting position. In this case, the center of gravity is shifted, the emphasis should be under the front surface of the hips, and not under the pelvis. Starting position – the torso hangs at a right angle to the legs. As you inhale, we begin to rise, but not above the line of your legs, take care of your lower back. We perform the movements slowly, under control, keeping the spine arched. The yielding phase of the movement should be twice as long in time as the overcoming phase - this will allow you to pump up the target muscles much more effectively...

Have a safe and productive workout!