How to pump up triceps with dumbbells?

One of the main muscles of the arm is the triceps brachii muscle. 2/3 of the total volume of the upper limb falls on it. The triceps performs the functions of an extensor and is, from an anatomical point of view, an antagonist or, simply, the direct opposite of the biceps. You can increase the volume of your triceps without special exercise equipment or equipment. To do this, you can take a pair of collapsible dumbbells. Below you will find recommendations on how to pump up your triceps with dumbbells. The exercises described below are suitable for both home and gym.

How to pump up triceps with dumbbells?

Lifting dumbbells from behind your head.

To add definition and mass to the upper part of the triceps brachii muscle, the dumbbell lift exercise, which is performed with one hand from behind the head, is a good exercise. This exercise can be performed with both hands at the same time, but keep in mind that this will reduce efficiency, since the load will be redistributed to secondary muscles of the body. You can perform this exercise in two ways: sitting and standing. They differ in that when standing, a greater load is placed on the back; when sitting, the option is more insulating - it relieves excess tension from secondary muscles and eliminates possible manifestations of cheating.

To effectively pump up the shoulder extensor, choose the weight of the dumbbell so that it is comfortable to perform the exercises. If you carry too much weight, you can get injured, so the load needs to be increased gradually. A well-chosen weight will allow you to do 8-12 iterations with maximum tension in the last 2-3 repetitions...

Lift the projectile up and lock in this position. Lower it smoothly behind your head so that at the lowest point your elbow looks up and your lower back is slightly arched. The grip should be neutral: little finger on top, palm facing forward. Hold your hand for a few seconds to feel the stretch of the muscle and the weight of the projectile. At the same time, inhale deeply, straighten your arm and exhale. At the top point, also hold your hand in this position for a few seconds.

How to pump up triceps with dumbbells? - Straightening the arms while bending over.

Straightening your arms while bending over.

This exercise will also help pump up the triceps and give it the missing relief. Take the shells in your hands and tilt your body forward. The torso and shoulder bones should be parallel. The bend angles at the elbows are straight. Fully extend your arms so that they become one straight line, an extension of your body. Return your hands to their original position. Perform the exercise smoothly without jerking – we don’t need an annoying sports injury...

Concentrated bending arm extension.

This triceps exercise is similar to the one described above. Hold a dumbbell in your right or left hand and rest your other hand on a chair or bench. Keep your humerus parallel to the floor.

Gently straighten your arm until it is parallel to the floor, then return it to the starting position. Switch hands when the triceps of the involved arm get tired. Perform the exercise as slowly as possible to increase the effectiveness of the effect on the triceps brachii muscle.

French press.

This exercise can be performed with various variations: lying, sitting, standing.

How to pump up triceps with dumbbells?

Pumping up the triceps using the exercises described above can be done not only with dumbbells, but also with a barbell. If you decide to use a barbell, it is better to take an EZ bar, it will be more comfortable to grip. You can also take regular barbell plates with special holes for gripping. When performing all exercises, pay attention to the technique, otherwise the muscle will not receive enough load and, as a result, will not grow. If the technique is grossly violated, especially with heavy weights, the likely outcome will be serious injury and subsequent long recovery. So work on yourself correctly and follow safety precautions.