Cardio warm-up before strength training in bodybuilding and powerlifting.

Having arrived at the gym just a few times, a typical beginner with great enthusiasm grabs the iron and begins to lift and lift intensely; trying to immediately adopt the programs of famous bodybuilders, especially having read in the literature all kinds of advice from professional athletes and bodybuilding and fitness stars. And he also gains unfortunate knowledge on numerous unfortunate forums, which are filled with information and recipes from the same green beginners... And it’s good if such a would-be athlete does a warm-up at the beginning of his training - I’m generally silent about cardio warm-up...

So, such a newly minted yellow-throat, having read a lot of “good advice,” comes into the hall and begins, as everyone around them actually recommends, to make a base. Loads an excessive weight onto the barbell, and let’s squat. Then he bench presses. Then the Romanian draft awaits him. Well, in the end he ends his training with hypertension, hypertension, arrhythmia and other “joys of life”... Oh! What am I saying? The latter are not exercises, but names of diseases? That’s right, friends, these are the names of diseases, and you will definitely earn them if you continue to swing according to the scheme described above, do not read this article to the end and do not start training correctly, wisely!

Remember the main rule, which for some reason everyone learns only from their own mistakes: if your training consists only of strength exercises, and even with maximum and sub-maximum weights, and you do not devote any time to your heart, respiratory and circulatory system, then you will inevitably you will develop any of the above diseases. This is especially true for fans of powerlifting, where, by definition, exorbitant weights are used.

Cardio training should make up at least 30% of the total duration of any of your workouts, and cardio warm-up should occupy a special place in your training plan. Doesn't matter:

  1. you train at home;
  2. go to a sports club;
  3. or prefer to work outdoors (Workout).
  1. A short run, starting with a slow walk.
  2. Work on cardio equipment that increases in intensity and level of load:

    1. track,
    2. bicycle ergometer,
    3. rowing,
    4. stepper,
    5. elepsoid,
    6. and others…
  3. Jumping rope.
  4. Working with fists on a punching bag.
  5. Dance aerobics, shaping.
  6. and other exercises that make us move actively and breathe more often.

At the same time, set aside time for your cardio training - at least 10-15 minutes. Numerous experiments and studies by sports medicine scientists have established that it is precisely this duration of aerobic exposure that best affects the trainee’s body.

So, now you know what cardio warm-up is, and you understand why it needs to be done, as well as the consequences of ignoring this extremely important part of any training process. Train correctly and be healthy!

Here are a couple more recipes for your snack on the proposed topic from Carmen Electra herself:


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