Nuances of planning training for junior weightlifters

In the practice of training junior athletes, an arsenal of training tools and methods is often used, usually used by qualified athletes. However, even at 17-18 years of age, the level of functional readiness and physical development of junior weightlifters differs significantly compared to qualified athletes. Therefore, the primary task of coaches is to be sure to keep under control all the nuances of planning training for junior weightlifters. It is for this reason that the tasks solved in the process of training junior athletes and the methods of their training should also be different.

Junior athletes must perfect their technical skills and prepare the musculoskeletal system for the specific activities inherent in lifting the barbell in the snatch and clean and jerk. It is during this period that the main task is to develop flexibility (mobility) in the shoulder, knee and ankle joints. The athlete must master coordination and stability in the squat, strengthen the elbow and shoulder joints in those poses that are typical for the snatch and jerk. Therefore, the main place in the training of junior athletes is occupied by snatch and push exercises, squats with a barbell on the shoulders and chest, squats with a barbell with arms straightened at the top, and bench press with a wide grip from behind the head.

Also, don’t focus only on barbell exercises. Work with dumbbells, try the vaunted trx machine, regularly sit on the upper and lower pulleys, and don’t forget about the pull-up bar and push-up bars with different grips. Well, and, of course, a beginner should constantly make a base, because this is the basis of all basics:

  1. Squats with a barbell on the chest or shoulders.
  2. Deadlift on straight and bent legs.
  3. All kinds of bench presses at different angles.

It has long been proven that performing these three exercises increases the overall strength of a weightlifter. As for weightlifting exercises, it has long been known that of all the exercises with a barbell used in training, in deadlifts (especially push and push) maximum weights can have a negative effect on the musculoskeletal system of a young athlete. And since junior athletes develop their deadlift strength sufficiently through the half-squat snatch and half-squat clean, there is no need to include deadlifts in their training.

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