Diet for the intestines

The intestines are one of the most important organs in our body, as they are responsible for digesting food and removing toxins from the body. Proper nutrition is key to maintaining gut health. In this article, we will look at several basic rules that should be followed to avoid problems with intestinal function, as well as diets that must be followed in case of intestinal dysfunction.

Basic Rules

The first rule that must be followed is to chew food carefully and slowly. The first stage of food digestion begins in the mouth, where it mixes with saliva. Chewing food thoroughly makes it easier to digest later.

The second rule is don't overeat. The more you eat, the longer it will take your stomach to digest this food. A small amount of food, on the contrary, is disinfected much faster by gastric acid.

The third rule is to take a break between meals. If the interval between meals is too short, overcooked food gets mixed with undigested food. This delays the removal of residues from the body and promotes the growth of bacteria in it.

The fourth rule is don't eat too late. During sleep, bowel function slows down, which can lead to negative consequences.

Fifth rule - if you are going to eat food that is difficult to digest, it is best to add a vegetable salad to it. It will speed up not only the digestion process, but also facilitate the elimination process.

Good intestinal health requires proper nutrition, which consists of a large amount of raw vegetables, fruits, dairy products and fish, and less meat, flour and sweets. In addition, it is necessary to drink plenty of water and not mix incompatible foods, as this can cause diarrhea.

If you have intestinal dysfunction, you must follow a certain diet. Products can be divided into three groups: those that promote bowel movements, those that delay bowel movements, and those that do not affect bowel function.

In case of severe diarrhea, it is necessary to consume foods that help delay bowel movements, for example, soups with vegetable or low-fat fish or meat broth, crackers made from wheat bread, steamed cutlets made from lean meat or fish, cottage cheese, rice, bananas and peeled apples. . Spicy and fatty foods, as well as dairy products, should be avoided.

In case of constipation, it is necessary to consume foods that promote bowel movements, for example, vegetables and fruits rich in fiber (for example, apples, pears, kiwi, beets, carrots, cabbage), beneficial bacteria (for example, yogurt, kefir), vegetable oils (for example , olive oil), nuts and seeds.

Finally, you need to avoid foods that can cause an allergic reaction, such as gluten, lactose and eggs.

In conclusion, proper nutrition and diet are key to maintaining gut health. If your intestines are disrupted, you should consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.