Emergency diet. If there is little time left

Emergency diet: what to do if there is little time left

Sometimes it happens that there is very little time left to prepare for an important event. In such a situation, many people try to lose weight in order to look their best. However, fast diets can be dangerous to your health. If you decide to go on an emergency diet, it is recommended to follow several rules.

The energy content of the diet should be at least 1,300 calories per day to ensure that the body receives enough nutrients. It is important to drink as much plain and mineral water as you like, but the amount of skim milk with your tea or coffee should not exceed 250 ml.

Every time you sit down to eat, try to eat a large portion of salad, which can be made from celery, lettuce, cucumbers, peppers, apple slices, beans, corn kernels and tomatoes. Prepare the dressing from one tablespoon of yogurt, lemon juice, vinegar and spices. This diet contains filling, high-fiber foods so you won't feel hungry.

Breakfast may consist of one slice of bran bread spread with margarine, one banana, one apple and a few grapes. The second option is one soft-boiled egg or “in a bag”, one slice of bran bread and one glass of natural yogurt. The third option is two slices of wholemeal bread, one small banana and one teaspoon of honey. The fourth option is two dry wheat tortillas, a glass of milk or unsweetened orange juice and one apple.

Lunch can consist of 200 g of jacket potatoes and one of the following additions: a small portion of shredded cabbage, 100 g of homemade cheese, 50 g of lean, finely chopped ham or chicken, two tablespoons of boiled beans.

Dinner can consist of 100 g of wheat flour pasta with one of the following additives: 100 g of shrimp with tomatoes and garlic, 50 g of lean boiled chicken in mushroom sauce with lemon juice, 50 g of finely chopped ham with tomatoes and garlic or 200 g of cooked steamed or grilled any fish (without sauce), 125 g of potatoes, boiled in their jackets and a large portion of green vegetable salad.

To diversify your diet, you can treat yourself during the day to a large glass of dry wine and a small muffin, one banana and one small pear, two slices of bran bread and salad, or one small Mars or Snickers bar.

However, if you deviate from your diet and eat something prohibited, you will have to apply “penalties.” For example, you can jump rope for 10 minutes, wipe floors and windows for 30 minutes, or do 20 squats with your arms extended in front of you at shoulder level.

It is important to remember that a crash diet is not an optimal solution for long-term weight loss and can be dangerous to your health. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, it is better to consult a specialist and choose a safer and more effective nutrition plan.