Fitness: when will I become a cat

There is an old eastern parable: “A man came to a sage and said to him: “Oh, sage, teach me to distinguish truth from lies, beauty from ugliness. Teach me the joys of life." The sage thought and taught the man to dance.” And this is not without reason. After all, flexibility in movements gives flexibility to character: softness and smoothness affects ease of communication, freedom in movements, and leads to inner freedom.

Dancing plus
There are examples in the history of mankind when the development of internal female muscles played a rather serious role in making important strategic decisions. In any case, they influenced the fate of a woman in the most definite way.

Female muscle strength
It is possible to achieve tangible results in the development of female internal muscles without foreign objects. All invisible female muscles are closely interconnected. First of all, you need to learn how to draw in and relax your stomach. By drawing in the stomach, we engage the lower spine, abdominal muscles, and thoracic diaphragm. By changing intra-abdominal pressure, we activate blood circulation. Blood flow to the pelvic area plays a vital role in sexual desire.

Exercise system
Imagine: you are a flexible cat, your back is beautifully arched. You have a bushy tail. You slowly move it to one side, then to the other... This is how we liberate the lower back, the neck is long, the gaze is directed into the distance, the posture is royal...

So: find a cozy place for yourself and look in the mirror. Stand up in a way that pleases you:

  1. shoulder blades connected
  2. shoulders slumped
  3. stomach pulled in
  4. firm buttocks
  5. you feel every muscle in your body
  6. head held high
  7. you are beautiful!
    Let's start!