How caffeine affects the body

Can't imagine your morning without an impressive portion of freshly brewed coffee? Do you wake up only after a cup of invigorating espresso? Find out how the main component of your favorite drink affects health and beauty.

Caffeine is a purine alkaloid, it is a psychostimulant; in nature, caffeine is found mainly in tea leaves, parts of the coffee tree, cocoa tree, mate, guarana, cola and some other plants. We use it as part of drinks, for example, one cup of natural coffee contains from 100 to 200 mg of caffeine, a cup of tea - from 30 to 70 mg, a glass of cola or up to 45 mg.

The effects of caffeine on the human body can be both positive and negative. The degree of its influence depends on many factors: age, type of higher nervous activity, state of health, as well as the dose of caffeine itself.

Beneficial properties of caffeine:

  1. In small doses, it helps fight drowsiness, relieves fatigue, invigorates, increases physical and mental activity;
  2. Stimulates excitation processes in the cerebral cortex;
  3. Increases the frequency and strength of heart contractions, thus training the cardiovascular system, accustoming it to pressure fluctuations, thereby protecting the body from premature strokes;
  4. Stimulates the secretory activity of the stomach;
  5. Helps fight excess weight - increases the content of free fatty acids in the blood, accelerating metabolism and forcing the body to use subcutaneous fat as fuel;
  6. Is a natural antidepressant.

Negative effects of caffeine:

  1. Excessive consumption contributes to the development of benign tumors of the mammary glands and prostate gland;
  2. Releases sugar, which leads to a heavy load on the endocrine system;
  3. High doses can lead to depletion of nerve cells;
  4. Helps increase blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood;
  5. Has a diuretic effect and dehydrates the body;
  6. Leads to yellowing of tooth enamel and plaque formation;
  7. Interferes with the absorption and flushes calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and some other trace elements from the body;
  8. Worsens complexion and leads to premature aging of the skin.

Caffeine should absolutely not be consumed by: elderly people, children and pregnant women, as well as those with high blood pressure, glaucoma, cancer, insomnia and increased excitability.

We all know that coffee is addictive, and that's not good. But you can’t say 100% that this is a bad product, and you need to completely abandon it. When drinking coffee, as well as other caffeine-containing drinks, the main thing is not to exceed a safe dose. For a healthy person, it is 1-2 cups per day.

So, if you feel good and remember to eat in moderation, enjoy your morning latte, Americano or espresso without any doubt!

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