How to get rid of sore throat

Krepatura, or muscle congestion, is a disease of all sports workaholics. But not only professional athletes experience this unpleasant sensation, but also ordinary people after intense physical activity. Krepatura can cause discomfort and muscle pain, limit movement and interfere with normal activities. In this article we will tell you how to get rid of sore throat.

Causes of sore throat

Krepatura occurs due to the accumulation of toxins in the muscles, including lactic acid, which can be produced during physical activity. Usually, the reason for its appearance is unusually high muscle activity for the body. But sore throat does not indicate the presence of diseases, injuries or other problems with the body; it only causes physical discomfort.


Muscle massage helps remove toxins from them that cause soreness. The massage therapist must work the muscles well and mechanically help improve blood circulation. After such a massage, the pain will go away the next day.


Warm compresses, a warm bath with essential oils of pine needles, rosemary, sea salt and a sauna will help cope with sore throat. Heat stimulates blood circulation and helps accelerate the healing of muscle microdamages.

Physical exercise

Physical exercise is also effective in combating sore throat, but you should start with light exercise. Make sore muscles work a little, do a light 30-minute exercise or run for 15 minutes. Exercise will help improve blood circulation and speed up the removal of toxins from the muscles.


Diet can also help in the fight against sore throat. To reduce muscle pain, you should eat foods rich in vitamins A, C and E, and drink green tea. You need to drink a lot of fluid - 2-3 liters per day. This should be high-quality still mineral water or freshly squeezed juice.

Prevention of sore throat

It is easier to prevent sore throat than to “treat” its consequences later. To do this, you always need to do an intense warm-up at the beginning of your workout and good stretching at the end. And to prevent pain, immediately after training, take a shower and run a strong stream of cold water over the muscles that you stressed. It is also important not to forget about regular exercise, which will help prepare the body for physical activity and reduce the risk of sore throat.

Krepatura can be an unpleasant and painful sensation, but with the right methods you can get rid of it quickly and effectively. Massage, heat, exercise and proper nutrition can help speed up muscle recovery and reduce pain. And to prevent sore throat, you need to properly prepare for physical activity and exercise regularly.