If you don’t want to get sick, stop feeling sorry for yourself!

Scientists have proven that the course of many diseases depends only 15% on doctors and 85% on our attitude to health problems and psychological attitude. A reasonable fear of becoming seriously ill is as natural for a person as the instinct of self-preservation. But there are several traps, falling into which we ourselves attract all kinds of illnesses.

  1. The trap of self-pity

From a psychological point of view, self-pity smoothes out the severity of stress, but does not fight it, but drives it deep inside. Tension accumulates and the result is “bad stress” (distress). This is a dead-end path that can really only lead to asthenic depression and completely throw you off track in life.

Meeting problems with self-pity for your loved one means allowing them to get the better of you in advance. Self-pity refers to asthenic reactions, when the body produces large quantities of the hormone of weakness - acetylcholine. This feeling is affectionate and very negative.

A person quickly becomes dependent on it - like all bad habits. Self-obsession always makes us callous towards others. So, by feeling sorry for ourselves, we can significantly weaken our psyche and harm our overall health.

The tendency to asthenic reactions often becomes a powerful impetus for the development of a variety of diseases. So, excessive compassion for oneself can provoke:

  1. diseases of the digestive system (mainly gastritis and stomach ulcers);

  2. astheno-apathetic depression;

  3. hypotension;

  4. vegetative-vascular dystonia;

  5. idiopathic dizziness;

  6. decreased immunity and weak resistance to infections.

And it is especially harmful to feel sorry for yourself when you are sick, even if you have a cold, you have a fever and everything hurts. The recovery process, rest assured, will only drag on.

  1. The trap of self-hypnosis

People who are anxious and suspicious most often fall into such dependence. Colds, sore throat, hay fever - the most banal seasonal diseases cause panic in these people. Simple symptoms are inflated to almost fatal: a cough - maybe it’s tuberculosis, a temperature of 38 degrees - it’s probably pneumonia...

These are indecisive people who live in the subjunctive mood and experience constant causeless anxiety about their health, among other things. In addition, anxious and suspicious citizens, as a rule, are prone to disorders of the autonomic nervous system and are weather sensitive. And this only strengthens their belief that they are more than seriously ill.

And due to their self-hypnosis, anxious and suspicious people actually suffer even cold infections more severely and recover several days longer.

But they usually do not interfere with treatment (except for endless complaints). Due to their restrictive behavior, doctors are obeyed and strictly follow all orders.

People with such personality traits during illness need to put their vegetative system in order: at night - sedatives (motherwort with valerian 25 drops, or 30 drops of novopassit, or half a glass of St. John's wort decoction), and in the morning - drugs that stimulate the immune system and nervous system (for example, rosehip decoction, ginseng tincture, Chinese lemongrass plus green tea tablets).

  1. The trap of disbelief in medicine

Another category of those to whom illnesses stick is the “Doubting Thomas” from medicine. They do not trust doctors, they are sure that they are always not told something, they prescribe the wrong tests, etc. As a rule, these are suspicious individuals with paranoid character traits.

They question all prescriptions and recommendations and prefer to be treated at their own discretion. They are among those who are sure that all diseases are caused by toxins, the evil eye and radiation. They are also the main consumers of dubious medical literature and visitors to all kinds of healers and healers.