How not to gain weight during the May holidays?

Holiday weekends disrupt the usual routine. If you haven’t gone anywhere and spend these days at home, then on the second or third day you will inevitably feel: your favorite jeans are not so easy to fasten, your body lacks movement and you have absolutely no strength to tear yourself away from the sofa and monitor.

Don't sleep until lunchtime. Of course, on holidays you want to get some sleep, especially if you work overtime on weekdays and don’t get enough sleep. But the later you get up, the later you will have breakfast and dinner. As a result, you will go to bed late. The body must rest, eat and work according to a schedule. Therefore, from the first day of the holidays, train yourself to get up on time.

Maintain your usual diet. In order not to expose your body to stress, try to eat as on a regular working day - the same time, in the usual portions and the same number of times. After spending several days at the festive table, you can gain from three to five kilograms of excess weight. You will immediately notice this when you go to work, and the clothes that were comfortable a week ago will now turn out to be tight.

Avoid starchy and sweet foods. We broke our fast with a piece of Easter cake and Easter - and that was enough. No sandwiches, cakes with tea at night and Easter, because you want something sweet. People experience less stress on weekends. No work, no bosses, no colleagues. This means the need to eat stress decreases.

Don't eat with company. Nothing will happen if you help your relatives set the table for the fifth time that day and refrain from eating. No matter how old the child is - be it three or thirty-three - mother and grandmother always worry that the child is not eating well. Don't allow yourself to be self-willed. If they put a supplement on you, immediately stop the arbitrariness. At the same time, do not fight off the team, maintain a conversation at the table, but refuse drinks and snacks.

More water, less alcohol. Alcohol, especially in hot weather, can cause increased blood pressure, and when combined with spicy and salty foods, it can cause swelling. The general condition of the body worsens, lethargy and apathy may occur. It’s an unforgivable loss to sit all day in such beautiful weather at the table or lie on the sofa suffering from indigestion. Everything is clear with water: at least two liters every day, without exception.

On nature. Resting does not mean relaxing, doing nothing, lying in bed until lunchtime. In order for the body to rest, it needs physical activity. A vegetable garden, a walk in the park where you can admire the blooming lilacs, a hike in the forest or on the river bank. In spring, in any area there will be beautiful corners of nature where you can take a walk in silence and take a break from everyday affairs and habitual thoughts.

Be active. Rest is needed not only for the body, but also for the head. And the head rests when the legs work. Try to walk more, especially before bed. About an hour or two. Start doing exercises and running in the morning. Use your weekend to your advantage. Try to acquire a new healthy habit. Start riding a bike or go fishing with your boyfriend.

Closer to children. You can often see the following picture: parents let their kids into the sandbox or playground, while they themselves relax with beer on the benches. Should I take a soccer ball or a badminton? Come up with an outdoor game? Fly a kite?

A break from the kitchen. Having prepared mountains of food for Easter, the hostess deserved a break. If you don’t feel like cooking, but want to have a snack, don’t reach for sweets and starchy foods. Limit yourself to nuts, dried fruits, coleslaw, carrots or apples. And count: one pie - one fasting day every other week.

Smaller portion. If your jeans can no longer be fastened with a slight movement of your hand, take immediate action. There is no need to give up food and have a fasting day. A cunning organism will eat its own anyway. Take your usual portion of food and remove half or a third from it. That's all you can afford.