Lunar diet

The lunar diet is a very unusual diet for weight loss. The diet is based on observations of the reaction of the human body depending on the cycles of the moon. It has been scientifically proven that the Moon affects the human body, its mood and physical condition. The essence of the lunar diet is quite simple - to coordinate your nutrition with the phases of the moon.

Full Moon - The Moon is fully visible.
Diet: carbohydrate. Buckwheat, pearl barley, rice porridge and fermented milk products.

The waning moon resembles the letter “C” (aging).
During this period, it is best to start losing weight, since there is a lot of strength - physical activity will not lead to exhaustion. In addition, on a waning moon, the body loses fluid more actively and toxins are eliminated. It is necessary to compensate for water losses.
Diet: limit calories, give up flour and sweets.

New moon - these days the moon is practically invisible.
During the new moon, you should not start important things; it is better to immerse yourself in a blissful state of doing nothing.
Diet: protein. Fish, fresh meat, cottage cheese, sour cream, foods rich in vitamins.

Waxing Moon - if you mentally draw a vertical stick to the crescent of the Moon on the left, you will get the letter P (growing).
The waxing moon stimulates appetite: try not to overeat, pay more attention to vegetables and fruits.
Diet: salt-free. More fruits in the form of fruit salads and vegetables as side dishes for the main low-calorie dish.