Mucusless diet: what's the point?

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The mucusless diet is a diet invented at the beginning of the 20th century by German professor Arnold Ehret and described in the book “The Healing System of the Mucusless Diet.” In the publication, he popularly explained where all diseases come from and proved that man by nature is not a meat eater, but a fruit eater. Thanks to Eret's nutritional system, you can change the composition of the blood, renew cells, cleanse the body, lose excess weight, and also take a mucusless diet as the basis of nutrition.

The author praises fasting and condemns raw foodists who eat haphazardly, including nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits in their diet. Ehret advises going on a mucusless diet gradually, starting with a low-mucus diet and gradually moving on to the diet he recommends. He calls low-mucus the use of crackers instead of bread, dried fruits, baked and canned vegetables and fruits. A mucusless diet allows you to remove excess mucus from the body, so a person should eat only fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables, and some alone, and drinking water.

The three main postulates of the mucusless diet: eat when you really want to, include only vegetables and fruits in your diet, and fast once a week.

Professor Ehret argued that the cause of disease was the accumulation of mucus in the body from poor nutrition. He recommended avoiding meat, dairy products, eggs, bread and other “mucus-forming” foods. Instead, he advised eating only fresh fruits and vegetables. According to Ehret, such a diet allows you to cleanse the body and get rid of many ailments.

However, modern doctors are skeptical about the ideas of the German professor. In their opinion, the cause of obesity is not the accumulation of mucus, but metabolic disorders. In addition, a diet of only fruits and vegetables can lead to deficiencies in protein, fat, and other important nutrients. Such a one-sided diet is more likely to harm health than benefit it.

Thus, the mucusless diet proposed by Arnold Ehret can hardly be considered optimal for modern humans. While avoiding excess consumption of meat and sweets is certainly beneficial, it is best to choose a balanced diet with moderate amounts of different foods.