Star diets. Available in spring!

Star status implies not only fame, high fees and a fun life, but also constant high demands on the appearance of celebrities. For ordinary people, it always remains a mystery how movie and pop stars manage to maintain a beautiful figure and attractive appearance almost all their lives. Of course, it’s all about not only good heredity, but also nutrition, as well as physical exercises, which the stars perform under the guidance of professional trainers. What diets do stars prefer, what useful things can be learned from their experience, and are there any harmful aspects of star diets?

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth can be called a “fan” of healthy eating. This smart blonde with a lithe body is one of those people susceptible to orthorexia, or the desire for proper healthy eating, which sometimes develops into a real obsession. Gwyneth adheres to the so-called macrobiotic diet, which does not allow the consumption of genetically modified foods or refined foods. The actress tries to strictly follow all the requirements of a macrobiotic diet, which is why her diet does not contain meat, fish, eggs, dairy products or sugar. Paltrow prefers to eat vegetables and fruits, legumes and whole grain cereals. The actress tries to cook only steamed dishes.

It is believed that a diet built according to the laws of macrobiotics reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases and oncology. The beneficial aspects are a fairly large amount of fiber and eating a small amount of fatty foods. However, the lack of meat, eggs and dairy products in the diet can provoke a lack of protein, iron, vitamin B12, calcium and magnesium. That is why such a diet is not suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers, and is also contraindicated for a growing child’s body. It makes more sense to combine the basic principles of a macrobiotic diet with a sufficient amount of animal products in the diet.

Sharon Stone

Despite the fact that the actress has already celebrated her 50th birthday, her figure still amazes fans with its girlish grace. Its secret is the glycemic index. The technique, developed by Canadian nutritionist Rick Galo, involves assigning all foods red, yellow or green, depending on their glycemic index (GI). Red foods (high GI) are prohibited, yellow foods (medium GI) should be consumed in limited quantities, green foods (low GI) should form the basis of the diet. In addition, Rick Galo's diet includes moderate consumption of protein foods and the presence of fat in the diet.

Choosing low GI foods is a good strategy not only for getting a great figure, but also for maintaining good health. This allows you to avoid the release of large amounts of insulin, which provokes an increase in appetite and the deposition of fat reserves in the body. The example of Sharon Stone is worthy of emulation, because even when following a diet, she ensures that her diet contains enough protein products, fats, fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

Jennifer Aniston

At the beginning of her acting career, Jennifer had quite appetizing curves. However, in order to meet Hollywood standards and qualify for more roles, the actress took her figure seriously and went on a detox diet. Having stopped smoking, forgetting about alcohol and coffee, Jennifer began to cleanse her body of toxins, resorting to a special nutrition system for this. Every morning on an empty stomach, Aniston drinks freshly squeezed lemon juice with water, which helps the body remove toxins and activate the liver and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, lemon juice helps fight excess weight by activating fat burning. A detox diet also involves eating freshly prepared meals or raw plant foods. Genetically modified, refined foods are excluded from the diet.