The ABC diet

ABC diet: how to lose weight without mental and physical violence

Recently, more and more people are becoming interested in a healthy lifestyle and strive to achieve an ideal figure. One popular weight loss method is the ABC diet, which is often called the traffic light diet. In this article we will talk about the rules of the ABC diet and its schedule for 50 days.

ABC Diet Principles

The main goal of the ABC diet is to help the body lose weight without stress and violence. At the same time, the diet for this food system contains different types of foods that can be eaten even after 6 pm.

Red light foods include fast food, mayonnaise, milk, fatty meats and lard, beer, champagne, sweet cream products, ice cream, soda, white bread and flour made with yeast dough. These foods should be eliminated from your diet if you want to lose weight.

Yellow foods are allowed for consumption before 6 pm (or 2-3 hours before bedtime) and include pasta, porridge with water (semolina is prohibited), puff pastry pastries, sausage, lean meat products, lean meat, chicken, chocolate , candies, cheese, cottage cheese, pickles, ketchup, coffee, spices, fruits and dried fruits.

Green foods are allowed at any time and in any quantity and include seafood, boiled fish, cabbage, lettuce, greens, cucumbers, carrots, apples, citrus fruits, buckwheat, bread without yeast, light yogurt, kefir, vegetable and olive oil, 2 boiled eggs a day.

The only alcohol allowed is martini, whiskey, vodka, dry and semi-sweet wine. Meals should be taken in 5-6 doses, due to which the functioning of the digestive and gastrointestinal tract is normalized. It is better to cook or stew dishes. After eating, you should take a walk or walk.

ABC diet schedule for 50 days

The ABC 50 Day Diet is a very low calorie diet that helps you shed a lot of pounds. However, it should be remembered that this diet can be hazardous to health, so it should be used with extreme caution.

The ABC diet schedule for 50 days is given below:

  1. Day 1-2: 500 calories or less
  2. Day 3: 300 calories
    -Day 4: 400 calories
  3. Day 5: 100 calories
  4. Day 6: 200 calories
  5. Day 7: 300 calories
  6. Day 8: 400 calories
  7. Day 9: 500 calories
  8. Day 10: Fasting
  9. Day 11: 150 calories
  10. Day 12: 200 calories
  11. Day 13: 400 calories
  12. Day 14: 350 calories
  13. Day 15: 250 calories
  14. Day 16: 200 calories
  15. Day 17: Fasting
  16. Day 18: 200 calories
  17. Day 19: 100 calories
  18. Day 20: fasting
  19. Day 21: 300 calories
  20. Day 22: 250 calories
  21. Day 23: 200 calories
  22. Day 24: 150 calories
  23. Day 25: 100 calories
  24. Day 26: 50 calories
  25. Day 27: 100 calories
  26. Day 28: 200 calories
  27. Day 29: 200 calories
  28. Day 30: 300 calories
  29. Day 31: 800 calories
  30. Day 32: fasting
  31. Day 33: 250 calories
  32. Day 34: 350 calories
  33. Day 35: 450 calories
  34. Day 36: Fasting
  35. Day 37: 500 calories
  36. Day 38: 450 calories
  37. Day 39: 400 calories
  38. Day 40: 350 calories
  39. Day 41: 300 calories
  40. Day 42: 250 calories
  41. Day 43: 200 calories
  42. Day 44: 200 calories
  43. Day 45: 250 calories
  44. Day 46: 200 calories
  45. Day 47: 300 calories
  46. Day 48: 200 calories
  47. Day 49: 150 calories
  48. Day 50: fasting.


The ABC Diet is an effective method of losing weight without stress or violence. However, remember that you should consult your doctor before starting the diet, especially if you have any medical conditions. In addition, it should be remembered that a diet that is too strict can lead to deficiency of essential nutrients and metabolic disorders, so moderation and variety in diet are important components of a healthy diet.