Top 5 foods you shouldn't eat for breakfast


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You should definitely have breakfast, everyone knows that. However, this does not mean that you can throw anything into your mouth, just so as not to leave the house hungry. The choice of breakfast recipes depends on national and family traditions, lifestyle, and even on the day of the week and time of year. However, there are foods that nutritionists categorically do not recommend eating for breakfast. Which? Read about this in the material I WANT.

Preparing a delicious and healthy breakfast is not at all difficult. However, most of us don't have time for this in the morning. It’s better to leave the house hungry than without makeup - a saying that applies to most women. That's why many people hastily make themselves a sandwich instead of eating porridge or fruit salad. However, the same sandwich is not the best thing to start the day with.

  1. Bacon, ham and sausages

These products, which are so often used in making sandwiches, contain huge amounts of salt and harmful nitrates. For information: the amount of nitrates in one kilogram of sausage, sausages or bacon should not exceed 0.005 g. So read the label carefully. If you are used to having a heavy breakfast, then replace the sausages with chicken breast or steak. Or make a sandwich with whole grain bread, hard cheese and herbs.

  1. Breakfast cereals

In addition to healthy fiber, commercial cereals also contain a lot of glucose and fructose. Easily digestible carbohydrates provide only short-term saturation, that is, after 2-3 hours you will want to eat again. The one cereal that's really good for you in the morning is muesli - again, without sugar or flavored additives. The best option is to mix boiled rolled oats or natural wheat muesli with chopped fresh fruits and nuts and add kefir or plain yogurt. Or cook porridge by first soaking the cereal overnight. In this case, the porridge will cook very quickly.

  1. Donuts and pancakes

The duet of sweet and fatty foods is not only harmful, but also dangerous for your figure. Donuts cooked in sizzling oil and generously sprinkled with powdered sugar, as well as fried pancakes, are a sure way to extra pounds. In addition, after such a breakfast, you are guaranteed a heaviness in your stomach.

  1. Fruit yogurt

Ready-made store-bought yoghurts also contain a wide variety of flavors, sweeteners, flavor enhancers and preservatives. For this reason, such a breakfast cannot be considered healthy. And if you consider that a glass of yogurt will not fill you up, then this product goes straight to the “black list”. You can replace fruit yogurt only with its natural counterpart or kefir.

  1. Cottage cheese

Regarding cottage cheese, not everything is so categorical, there is one thing. Cottage cheese is a protein food. Nutritionists recommend consuming it in the afternoon. Firstly, proteins themselves require much more energy for their absorption than the same fats and carbohydrates. In the evening, the metabolic rate in the body drops, that is, our energy costs decrease somewhat. Therefore, taking protein in the evening can keep your metabolic rate at a higher level. And this is a direct path to a slim figure! In the morning you will not achieve such an effect from cottage cheese.