Ultra-way to lose weight in winter: lose extra pounds in just 60 seconds!

Ultra-way to lose weight in winter: lose extra pounds in just 60 seconds!

If you've recently noticed that your favorite jeans fit a little tighter or that the number on the scale is slightly higher than it was last month, you're not alone. This is because December marks the start of weight gain season. Nutritionists believe that women's diets get a little off track at this time of year because we no longer have the motivation of bikinis, short shorts and T-shirts.

Add that to the fact that falling temperatures make us crave yummy treats (like cheeseburgers or quiches) and you've got a recipe for weight gain. You can take out your bulky sweaters and forget about your skinny jeans, surrendering to the weight gain. Or you can use a quick and easy way to lose weight that nutritionists have recently discovered.

According to a new study from the US state of Virginia, study participants who drank two glasses of water before each meal consumed fewer calories and lost weight. Plus, after 12 weeks, those who followed the H20 rule lost an additional five pounds more than those who didn't drink water.

“We think the water helped them better manage hunger and promote satiety,” explained Brenda Davey, PhD, RD, associate professor in the department of dietetics, nutrition and exercise sciences at Virginia Tech. She adds that although her study participants were middle-aged, it wouldn't be surprising if the technology helped young people eat less too. Many twenty- and thirty-year-olds tend to drink a lot of high-calorie drinks, and sipping water before breakfast, lunch and dinner can go a long way toward cutting down on these fattening drinks, she says.

Do you drink water throughout the day or do you prefer coffee, soda, juice, etc.? Are there any other drinks or foods, such as soup, that fill you up and allow you to eat less? Do you know any other weight loss tricks that you can recommend? Write to us - we always welcome fresh ideas!