How to quickly and effectively pump up the buttocks of girls?

For a modern girl to form a beautiful athletic figure, it is advisable to know how to quickly and effectively pump up her buttocks.

How to quickly and effectively pump up your buttocks?

For good results, it is not enough to simply perform several exercises per workout. This requires an integrated approach and knowledge of some tricks, which we will share with you in this article...

Basic recommendations.

It is necessary to follow certain nutritional and training rules in order to effectively and quickly tighten your butt. Professionals advise:

  1. Do more aerobic exercise - this will remove all the excess subcutaneous fat from the butt and give it elasticity.
  2. Review your diet. The most important thing is to reduce your intake of salt, sugar and foods containing significant amounts of fat. Omega 3 and 6 do not count here - they are just useful for us.
  3. Set aside a separate training day for buttock exercises.
  4. Work at an angle more often. During cardio training hours, preference should be given to simulating walking up stairs or an ellipse.

  5. Squats with additional load.

    Exercise on the treadmill in a special way. You can effectively tighten weak gluteal muscles by starting with an incline sprint on a treadmill and then jogging.
  6. Use additional devices. When doing cardio, a transdermal patch or neoprene shorts will provide an additional effect.

You can pump up your buttocks extremely quickly and efficiently if you perform certain strength exercises.


The most effective way to train your butt is squats. You can do them with a barbell or dumbbells, and you also have analogues at your disposal on exercise machines: in a Hack machine and a leg press machine.


An equally effective exercise is lunges.

Lunges with dumbbells in your hands or a barbell.

Unlike squats, this exercise specifically targets your butt without putting any strain on your legs.


Although the straight-legged deadlift primarily affects the hamstrings, it also perfectly stretches the gluteal muscles, which is also very useful for us...


For home training, there is nothing better than the good old pistol shot - squats on one leg, with the other straightened forward, like the barrel of a pistol, hence the name. The exercise is very effective, but requires some preparation from you. Not every girl can do a pistol on the spot. And if she can, ask her to do a set of ten such repetitions. This is super training!

We have known all these exercises for a long time; we have repeatedly talked about them in our previous articles. And now the tricks we promised: a couple of the most killer rare exercises for your butt:

Platform + Smith + rotation.

For quick results, you need to perform squats from the platform with each leg in turn. This exercise is performed on a Smith machine. You need to squat with one leg at a time until the position is parallel to the floor. When lifting, you need to focus on your heel. You need to keep your back straight, the bar on your shoulders. It is not recommended to squat too low; it will not have the best effect on the condition of your knees.

Leg press back, up.

The back leg press allows you to effectively and quickly pump up your butt. The exercise is performed on a regular bench press machine or on one specially designed for it. Lying face down, your knees should be placed on the seat, and your elbows and stomach on the back. The foot of the working leg is placed in the middle of the platform. After removing the stopper, the foot must be pushed 45 degrees to straighten the leg at the knee. The buttocks are clamped at the top, and after returning to half the starting position, the exercise is repeated.