How can a bodybuilder develop a devastating boxing punch?

Do you know, our dear readers, that, for example, in a classic one-on-one street fight, some idiot can be much stronger than you? You, a pumped-up bodybuilder, covered from head to toe with sculpted muscles? - sounds unreal! But in fact, this is quite a real situation. And now I will explain to you why...

Well, of course, the word “trash” here doesn’t mean just a studied nerd with glasses and a bunch of books under his arm. We are talking about a boxer - they are all as thin as slivers...

So, the topic of the article: bodybuilder vs boxer - who will win? Whose blow will be stronger and more effective? Boxing or pitching? And why does a bodybuilder have less chance of winning this unequal fight?

The thing is that by pumping iron day after day, we certainly gain strength. But this power is not the same! The fact is that a boxer must have explosive power - the ability to deliver a blow with maximum lethality sharply and with lightning speed. And he trains day after day to develop such strength skills and abilities. We, bodybuilders, train our muscles to be fluid every day. Smooth lifts, smooth pulls, smooth presses - all this is due to working with large and sometimes sub-maximum weights. The safety precautions themselves do not allow us to make sudden movements, because we can easily get injured. It turns out that the bodybuilder is slowly but systematically killing the boxer in himself, weaning his muscles from sharpness, speed and lightning speed.

Another important point is cardio training. Most weightlifters lift weights day after day, completely ignoring aerobic training. At least 80% of all bodybuilders are guilty of this. Well, there’s no need to talk about powerlifters - they are fixated on their three basic exercises, and they don’t see anything else in the area except them...

But boxers, on the contrary, devote a lot of time every day to cardio training - this is a primary task for them. They have been improving their cardio endurance for years: they run a lot, jump rope, and again, cardio equipment is their best friend.

As a result, if a typical bodybuilder clashes with a boxer, even though the jock may have significantly greater physical strength, his breathing capacity compared to his opponent will be “not to hell.” And, after just a couple of minutes of the fight, the jock will fall to the floor with heavy shortness of breath. And the boxer will only have to finish him off, maybe even with his feet...

So, the problem has been identified, but what to do? How to eliminate this annoying omission, and be able to repel the puny offender? It’s a shame that someone with such and such muscles can somehow be defeated... There is a way out!

Here are a number of recipes that you urgently need to adopt in order to develop at least some initial boxing skills and an impressive, strong blow:

  1. In addition to core training, focus on explosive strength at least occasionally. For example, once a week you throw huge, heavy weights off your bar and bench press a light barbell, but quickly, sharply, explosively. Naturally, before this task, you need to thoroughly warm up and stretch the target muscles, and do the first approach without any weight at all...

  2. Never ignore aerobic training! Before each workout, do a cardio introduction, read more about it here. Do aerobic specialization once a week - do only cardio work on this day - no strength training.
  3. In your free time from the gym, practice jogging, cycling, swimming in the pool, skiing in winter, etc., etc.
  4. Be sure to hit the bag at least sometimes. If you don’t have it, you need to buy it urgently, unless, of course, you want to be beaten by some “frail asshole.” It would also be a good idea to buy decent gloves - for example, there are many decent ones here. A well-placed devastating boxing punch takes years to train - so don’t be fooled after two or three training sessions. Constancy and regularity are needed. Get yourself into the habit of hitting a punching bag or, alternatively, a makiwara at least once a week for half an hour, and you’ll be good.
  5. Well, and absolutely aerobatics - if you have the opportunity to work with a sparring partner. Because no educational training can replace a real contact fight with adrenaline, passion, good sports anger and a thirst for victory...

And finally, remember: a real man is not the one with biceps, but the one who is able to stand up for himself and for his beloved woman, which is what we, in fact, wish for you!

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