How to pump up pectoral muscles at home for girls?

The burning question of how to pump up pectoral muscles at home for girls is of considerable importance.

How to pump up pectoral muscles at home for girls?

After all, the muscle mass of the breast forms its frame and shape, allowing you to increase the volume of the breast and tighten sagging skin. In terms of its anatomical structure, a woman differs from a man, and therefore not all exercises that are suitable for the stronger sex will give the same result to girls.

Push-ups are available to you anytime, anywhere.

The simplest and most effective exercise for pumping up chest muscles for girls is push-ups; they can be performed even on the street or at home. However, they need to be performed correctly, because the position of the hands will determine which muscles will work. To pump up the pectoral muscles, you need to place your arms slightly wider than your shoulders, your elbows should be perpendicular to your body, but do not spread them too far apart. You need to perform the exercise in 2-3 approaches of 10 iterations. If at first it is difficult for you to do such a number of repetitions, use a tricky trick: replace the classic push-up with a push-up from your knees. This will greatly facilitate your work until you become able to work in the classical style. Another option for relief is placing your hands on an elevation. Do push-ups from a sofa or bench, gradually decreasing the angle until you can do full push-ups on a horizontal surface. Over time, strength will increase, then it will be possible to increase the number of approaches and push-ups, add additional load and complicate the exercise by raising your legs...

Isometric and static impact.

Another very effective exercise for girls, which is suitable for doing at home, is called “Sultanchik” or “Tennis Ball”. It can be performed with a small ball or even without it, because it belongs to the so-called isometric or static exercises. You need to squeeze your palms forcefully, while your elbows should be parallel to the floor and directed to the side. You need to hold this static position with force for about 5 seconds, then relax the pressure. The exercise must be performed at least 30 times, but it is better as many times as your strength allows.

Let's use dumbbells!

How to pump up pectoral muscles at home for girls?

If you have small dumbbells at home, you can use them for the following exercise available to you at home to pump up your pectoral muscles. If they are not available, then as an alternative you can use heavy books or plastic bottles filled with water. You need to take the weights in your hands, then, lying on your back, smoothly move them apart almost parallel to the horizontal, but without touching the floor. Next, perform crossing movements - bringing together slightly bent arms, and so on in the cycle the required number of times: 8-12 repetitions. Then raise your arms up and bend them one by one, again, as in push-ups, spreading your elbows to the sides...

Remember that while pumping up your pectoral muscles, you need to stretch your back and shoulders to avoid slouching.

In addition to training, pay great attention to a balanced diet and good quality rest for recovery, otherwise all your work on yourself will go down the drain.