Features of heavyweight training

We continue to study the features of training superheavy weights... When the volume of the load is increased even more, the number of lifts of the barbell of minimal and light weights in snatch and jerk exercises and exercises of a local nature increases. This is required not only for the qualitative development of strength of individual muscle groups, mobility in the athlete’s joints and flexibility, but also for maintaining the level of muscle mass that has already been achieved.

Athletes in the weight category over 110 kg are less likely than other athletes to perform high-intensity exercises:

  1. in jerking and pushing movements - with the weight of the projectile 70% or more;
  2. in deadlifts and squats - with a weight of 100% or more.

However, this does not mean that the number of barbell lifts with increased intensity indicated in the planned calculation tables should be mandatory for all weightlifters in a given weight category. For them, as for athletes of other weight categories, it is advisable to strive for a possible increase in the number of such lifts, because this leads to a greater increase in results. To progress as a heavyweight even more, dilute your diet with sports nutrition products. Buying gainer, protein, creatine, peptides, as well as vitamins and minerals is now not difficult, and they are no longer so expensive. Heavy lifters should also pay close attention to chondroitin and other similar drugs to strengthen intervertebral discs, ligaments and tendons, because when working with extreme and extreme weights, all this is at risk in the first place...

A significant reduction in training intensity in the snatch and jerk exercises, where a lower load weight of the barbell is used (formulated as a percentage of the maximum), fewer lifts of the barbell at increased intensity should be compensated for by the following:

  1. It is necessary to increase the number of repetitions of exercises per set: up to 6 - in basic exercises and up to 10 - in local exercises; use multiple repetitions more often at the maximum and close to it number of repetitions. The more barbell lifts performed in the preparatory period with multiple repetitions, the greater the increase in results will be.
  2. It is imperative to include in your training exercises performed at a slow pace, exercises of a holding, yielding and mixed nature. Using these exercises significantly increases the time of muscle tension, and, consequently, the intensity of the workout.
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